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Hi guys I haven't written in a long time.
I am really sorry and I am so happy most of you are enjoying my books. I have deleted the y/n bit because I feel it's to much and should focus on Greg . Tell me what you would like to see in the comments below and if I should do more Diary of a wimpy kids books.

Today's was Saturday and it was a week until Summer break! Mum and I were going shopping for Manny's birthday. Manny was really excited and kept on poking about in Mum and Dads room for his presents. That's a good idea actually... Maybe next year. Holly and Rowley can't wait for Athletic camp and neither can I! Only because Holly's there.
We're going to play tennis and swim! Then dance at night. I see a brochure for it at the mall so I take it out of its holder and open it up

Weight lifting
2K run
2k swim
150 sit ups
100 pull ups
3k bike ride
3 miles nature walk

That's terrible. Must be the wrong brochure. Must be. "Oh Greg that's the camp your going to!" Mum glanced at the brochure. I sighed. I cannot go to this camp. Cannot. Weight lifting? I got beat by a girl at wrestling. I will enter being the innocent Greg and come out being the messed up Greg. I need to pretend I'm sick. Make fake sick. Have a cold. Anything but this!

Diary of a wimpy kid summer luckWhere stories live. Discover now