Mannys Birhday (part 2)

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Authors note:
Sorry for not uploading, I just feel out of place with the book. So I decided to have a break., but I'm back! Yayyy
I watched Manny open his presents eagerly, Mum and Dad was anticipating for a good reaction. Mum was frantically biting her nails, she did not want to make Manny upset. Manny being upset would be a huge devastation. Tantrums will be thrown, once he even managed to sneak out of the house. He only got a couple of houses down but Mum and Dad was not happy. Of course, they couldn't shout at him. He would then again throw another tantrum, you do not want to shout at Manny. He will twist the words ever so slightly to make it look like your a monster. For instance once Manny was chewing my magazine. I shouted stop, he went and told my Mum that I was screaming at him to stop and he took his favourite teddy bear which he had lost a year ago. I obviously did not, he cut it with his scissors and put it in the bin. Manny acted like he lost it, and then acted like I stole it. My Mum was very mad at me, even though I kept repeating I did not take it. I had to go buy Manny a new teddy, out of my money. My pocket money! It was so unfair that Manny has both parents wrapped around his little finger. If Rodrick or I did any of these things we would be grounded, we always get the blame for Manny's tricks. There was nothing we could to but to just accept it. Camp is edging closer and closer, there is no escape. Soon, I will have to start packing unfortunately.

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