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So what's up!! That was actually really lame, I'm going to try that again.


This is getting ridiculous.

Screw greetings, let's just get into to this, shall we?
I was tagged two more times by the great izzyjean13 !! Let's kick off these tags, shall we?
Here are the questions!

Screw greetings, let's just get into to this, shall we?I was tagged two more times by the great izzyjean13 !! Let's kick off these tags, shall we?Here are the questions!

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1. Addiction?
Reading. YouTube. Wattpad. Instagram. Daydreaming. Music.

Best Friends?
In real life? mockingjay73212 and robinjackson98   and some other people who don't have Wattpad. (AMELIA IM LOOKING AT YOU)
On Wattpad? I'd say fabulous_filipina , izzyjean13 , ThegoldenKupKake , and some others.

October 5

Current Mood?

Fav Animal?

Fav Cartoon?
I don't watch cartoons. I don't watch very much TV in general. I guess Sword Art Online, but that's an Anime, so I don't know if it counts.

Fav Color?

Fav Movie?
Right now it's Everything Everything.

Fav Food?

Girls I trust?
My squad in real life, my sister, and my female readers. Every single one of you ladies.

Boys I trust?
My dad, my brother, and my male readers. If there are any.

Fav TV show?

What are we not going to talk about? This.

Lame Joke?
Ask my brother this question and he'd go on for hours. Here's a cruddy joke; What is gray and can't fly? A parking lot.

Last Hugged?
My mom.

Fav hobby?

Last Person I Texted?
My brother.

Random Fact?
All animals dream.
Here's another fact: I got that off Pinterest.

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