I'm Not Too Sure How To Say This

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Hi, everybody.

It's been a hot second, hasn't it?

Well, definitely more than a hot second, because I sure can't remember the last thing I wrote on this account. I can't remember the last time I spoke to one of my online friends. It's my fault for not keeping in touch, really, none of you are to blame.

I've been going through some hardships. I'm stuck in an abusive friendship. I have problems with people at school everyday. I'm unsure of myself quite often and question my thoughts and actions when I know that I shouldn't. There are a lot of other things that are far too sensitive subjects to speak about, and I would rather not delve into them.

I still write quite often, just not on this site. Up until last fall, I was writing under a different account name, which is yelyahkilljoys . If you want to see my improvement from when I first began writing The Death Of Me, feel free to check it out. Unfortunately, I'm not active on there, either. I am however active on other social media platforms, such as Tumblr, but I do not write on that site.

Being sgeshadowhunter256 has been such a wonderful part of my life, and I've been honored to call it my username. However, I am simply not the girl who used to write fan fiction online anymore, and I know that I could return as somebody different, but I fear that because I've been gone for so long, this account won't bring me the same joy that it used to. Besides, I'm writing my own novel now, and I don't write too much fan fiction for the time being.

When I was twelve years old, I saw this account in my future. I'll be fifteen in October. I don't see myself under this name anymore, and I'm sorry, because a part of me feels like I'm letting you all down along with the little girl who used to run this account.

I'd like to thank each and every one of my friends for the endless smiles and countless laughs. You guys made me feel special and unique and like I had somebody to rely on when everybody else left. I'm an awful friend for not being here when you've needed me, but if I can fix that, I wish nothing more than to do so. If you leave your Tumblr URLs in the comment section, I'll make sure to drop by and say hello. You all still mean the world to me.

Thank you for the reads. Thank you for the votes. Thank you for the comments. Thank you for the smiles. Thank you for the memories. Maybe I'll wander back here one day, or maybe you'll never see me again. We'll just have to leave that up to fate.

I guess this is goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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