Chapter 21

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Once again, the song Jon turned on was All of me by John Legend. Chandler put his hands on the small of my back, just hovering above my butt, and I put my arms around his neck standing as close to him as humanly possible. Chandler started stroking my back with his thumb and goosebumps erupted all over my body. I did as Chandler said, and stared at him while we swayed back and forth. His eyes showed many different emotions throughout the dance, such as, admiration, happiness and even a little bit of regret. What could he possibly regret? Finally the song ended, but Chandler and I didn't let go of each other, or break eye contact. His eyes engulfed me and I didn't want to look away. It was like staring into the ocean. It was calming and relaxing and I wanted to melt into them. You know you want to. Why don't you just do it? Who cares about the age difference? Confused by my thoughts, I unhooked my arms from Chandler and turned to face Jon. Chandler, leaving one arm around my waist, did the same. "Well alrighty then. Shall we vote?" Jon looked at all of our friends, and they all nodded that they were ready. "Alright, we'll go down the line then, starting with me, I personally do not think you're ready to have the handcuffs removed. Now onto the cast." Lauren, Steven, Andrew and Norman all stood in a line and voted.

Lauren: "I vote yes."

Steven: "I'm sorry, but I don't think you're ready either." My heart sank, and I felt Chandler pull me closer to try and steady me.

Andrew: "I vote hell yes. I hated this exercise from the beginning." I laughed and gave him a thankful smile. "Alright Norman, it's two for yes, and two for no. You'll be the deciding vote." Jon told him. I looked over at Chandler, worried but he just gave my side a light squeeze and that one gesture calmed me down immidiately. Norman must have seen it because, "Well Jonathan, why don't you just go ahead and put those handcuffs back in your bag. They don't need them anymore." I let out a huge sigh of relief, ran up to Norman and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you!" Everybody laughed. I also gave Andrew and Lauren hugs, thanking them for their vote as well. "And I'll deal with you later." I said sticking my tounge out at Steven, causing a smile to form on his face. "Well alright! If you guys don't mind," Jon said looking at the rest of the cast, "I believe I have some work to do with these two." He smiled. Lauren, Steven, Andrew and Norman all left, leaving Chandler and I alone with Jon. "Take a seat you two." Jon told us, and Chandler and I took a seat on the floor. We were still next to each other but we weren't touching anymore. "Now what did you guys learn about each other during this experiment?" He asked. Chandler and I looked at each other and smiled. "Well I learned that Chandler loves to jump to conclusions about people before meeting them." I laughed, and Chandler gave me a playful push causing me to lose my balance a little bit. "And I learned that Lyssa isn't nearly as terrible, or...experienced as I thought she would be." He stuck his tounge out at me. "Oh yeah?!" I laughed and lunged at him, pushing to the ground and getting on top of him, and we started wrestling. Chandler of course got me on my back in a matter of seconds. He brought his face down to mine and whispered, "Pinned ya." He smiled a cocky smile and I tried to get out of his grasp but he was surprisingly strong. "Alright you two, that's enough." Jon laughed as Chandler made his way off of me, but keeping one arm around my waist."So first things first; we're going to read some of your script today." Jon pulled out three copies of the script, handing one to me, one to Chandler and keeping one for himself. "Go ahead and stand up, and turn to page 187 please." Chandler and I both stood up and turned to page 187 as asked. Scanning through I could already tell it was an emotional scene. It's the first scene my character and Chandler's character get a chance to know each other. It's also their first kiss. My heart fluttered and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach start to grow. "Ok, now I want the two of you to get into character." Jon sat down in his chair, preparing to critique us. "But I don't know anything about my character." I said honestly. "Well I want you to read the lines as you for right now, and then when you get back to your trailer tonight, flip to the back of the script and read the information given about your character, so tomorrow you'll be able to work on channeling her, and bringing her out." Read the lines as me. Ok..."Ready? Scene 6 take 1. Action." Oh my god. What do I do?

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