Chapter 37

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"Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, but that's alright because I like the way it hurts. Just gonna stand there and hear me cry, but that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie..." I stopped singing when I realized Chandler was staring at me. "What?" I giggled, trying to keep my eyes on the road. "Nothing." He smiled at me. "Turn right, up here." He pointed to the street In front of us. I followed Chandler's directions, and continued humming the song. "Alright, you're gonna take the next left and the movie store will be on your side." He told me, changing the radio station, since the song was over and we were now listening to commercials. "I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue, I can stay awake for days if that's what you want, be your number one--" "Jesus, do you know the lyrics to every song?" Chandler cut me off, looking at me incredulously. "Not EVERY song." I smiled, putting the emphasis on every. Chandler just shook his head and smiled. After I took the next left like he told me to, I could see the movie store coming up. I pulled in, parked, and we both got out of the car. When we walked inside, we went over to the New Releases section. "Oh my god. We have to get Divergent!!" I squeeled and grabbed it off the shelf. Chandler picked up The Hunger Games: Cathing Fire. "Have you seen this?" He looked it over debating on if he wanted it or not. " Mmmm...nope." I lied, because I wanted to watch it again. He handed me the movie. "Hey look, they have One Direction: This Is Us." I winked at him. "If you want it, you can get it." He sighed. I smiled and shook my head, "no it's ok, I've already seen it. But thank you for offering." I walked over and gave him a small peck on the lips. We made our way through the store and ended up getting The Avengers, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, and the complete first season of Arrow. "Alright, you think that's enough?" Chandler looked at the stack of movies in my hands and chuckled. "I'm gonna go with yes." I said making my way to the counter, so we could check out.

After we were all checked out, Chandler and I headed to the car, only to find some teenage boys admiring it. I looked at chandler and smiled. I took out the keys and pushed the 'unlock' button on the remote, and the car made a chirping noise. The boys surrounding the car backed away and started to look around. "No fucking way. This is your car?" One of the boys said after realizing that I had the keys. I just went with it. "Yup. pretty nice huh?" I could see Chandler trying to surpress his smile. "Nice? This is my fucking dream car!" It was the same kid. "How much did it cost? And how the hell could you afford it?" He looked bewildered. "Well, after everything, the final price was around $357, 000, and I'm a teenage prostitute so there's nothing I can't afford." I was having way too much fun with this. All of the boys, including Chandler, looked at me with big eyes. I was about to lose it. "Alright, sorry boys, but we need to get going, after all, my clients pay by the hour." I nudged Chandler in the arm signaling we had to go now. I went to the car and got inside. I had to wait for Chandler because the boys were talking to him. When Chandler was finally in the car, he started laughing. "What did they say?" I was curious. "They, uuhh, they wanted to know what your rates are." He looked over at me. "Hmm, well it depends what they want." I joked. "Not even funny." He said, but ruined it by laughing.

The car ride from the movie store to the dollar store was only like two minutes. When Chandler and I walked inside we were overwhelmed with the selection of junk food. "Ok, well I'm definitely getting some of these." He said holding up a container of Pizza flavored pringles. "Fine, but I'm gonna go ahead and grab all of these." I dramatically picked up all the bags of watermelon sour patch kids that I could hold. Chandler laughed at me and I put all but two of the bags back. "Alright, so we have chips and candy, what el--" I was cut off by the sound of a woman screaming. Chandler and I quickly ran towards the sound and regretted it immediately. There were two, largely built men standing at the front counter. One of them was holding a gun at the cashiers head and the other was trying to break in to the cash register."You two! Get on the ground!" The man holding the gun yelled at me and Chandler. We did what he asked without question or hesitation. I'm gonna die. Oh my god, I'm gonna die. "Put your hands on the floor in front of you!" The man was still yelling at us and we did what we were told once again. I could hear crying from behind us and I turned my head to see a mother and two kids huddled together on the floor crying. The mother was trying to shield her children as best as she could. Suddenly, I could hear sirens outside the store and both the robbers stopped what they were doing and went to look out the window. I over heard a little of their conversation. Something about the cops and them wanting a hostage. Quickly, both men returned to what they were doing, except the one with the gun, started scanning all of us people who were on the floor. Finally, his gaze fixed on the mother and children behind me. No. Please no. The man slowly started walking towards me and Chandler, but his eyes were still fixed on the family. Before I could help, the man grabbed the little girl by her hair and dragged her to the front of the store. The girls mother and her little brother were screaming, and the girl was crying. Probably from the pain and fear. "Stop crying!!" The man yelled in the little girls face and she started to cry even more. I guess that pushed him over the edge because he pulled back and smacked the little girl in the face with so much force she fell over. Her mom let out a stiffled scream. The little girl - I say little girl because she only looked to be about 5 or 6 years old - was still crying. The man reached back, getting ready to hit her again, and before I knew it I was standing. "Don't!!" What the fuck am I doing. The man looked at me, bewildered. An evil smile spread across his face. "Aahh, you wanna take her spot, do ya?" He grinned. I didn't say anything, I just stood there. He quickly picked the girl up by her hair again then approached me. He threw the little girl back at her mom and grabbed me by the back of the neck. "Mmm, you're a cutie. I'm thinking I should take you in the back. Yo! You got this covered? I'll be back in a few minutes." The man yelled at the idiot who still couldnt figure out the cash register. "Yeah man go ahead, but when you're done, I want a go at her!" He yelled. Where the fuck are the cops?! The man chuckled and started walking towards the back of the store. I gave Chandler an apologetic look as I passed him, before returning my focus in front of me. Just seconds later, the man was pushing me into a back room, and barricading the door.


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