21:I'm hers.

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hibari pov:

I wake up to find my chibi not beside me.Did she try to escape from me again?

I got out of bed and  try to find her. I looked everywhere in vongola but didn't find her.It was getting on my nerves.


kusakabe:yes kyou-san?

hibari:where's FN?

kusakabe:is she not with you.

hibari: I wouldn't be asking you if I knew where she is.

kusakabe:yes.My bad kyou-san.But I did not see her .She did not tell me where she went either.

hibari:I see.

Chibi...where are you?Unable to find you makes me anxious and its starting to get me really angry.

Just than sawada tapped onto my shoulder. I turn around and shot him a cold glare immediately but unintentionally. I wasn't in a good mood.

tsuna: woah...what??

hibari:where's my chibi?

tsuna: ah that.I saw Carrie bringing FN out though.

hibari: where?

tsuna: to some building. What was it again...Oh yeah, the 200 storey high nihon building.

I rushed out hearing that. Why are they there.What did carrie want from chibi?


my pov:

I woke up to find myself sitting on the edge of a damn tall building.


Carrie: hi.

me: why are we here?!!!!! and...how many stories is this. ..?

Carrie: 200

me:200 ????? !!!!!

I want to move my butt backwards to move away from the edge but carrie was holding onto a string that was tied to my back. She prevented me from going backwards.

me:let me go!!!

carrie: no.Its time.

me:time for what?!!!

Carrie: for the last judgment.

me: huh??? um...can you don't say that...you make yourself sound like like some god or something. ...

Carrie:I'm not a god. I am just a human.

me:you're...creeping me out...did you escape from the mental hospital?

Carrie: how in the world did you arrive that??!!!!

me: but you suddenly said what last judgement.And than make me seat at a 200 storey high building. I thought you were going to take the....what you call that. ..what faith? jump of faith?

Carrie: its the leap of faith!!!

me: oh my gosh. You are a crazy religious person.

Carrie:its not like that!!!

me:how in the world did I end up here.

Carrie: I chlorofoam you and brought you here.

me:oh....please don't make me do the leap of faith . I don't belive in your god.

Carrie: I just said it's not like that!!!

hibari: chibi!!! what are you doing carrie?

Carrie: the last judgement.

me: she's a crazy religious believer. I think she wants me to take the jump of faith.

Hibari: -_-llll what.

Carrie: I just said!!! its not like that!!! And its the leap of faith!!!

me: see.proven.

Carrie:never mind *deep breathes* choose kyouya.Only one of us.

Carrie suddenly let herself fall backwards. She was grabbing onto my string and I was falling down along with her.She let go, the moment both of us left the ledge.

Suddenly I felt a grip at my wrist.Kyouya had grabbed onto me.

hibari pov:

I tried to grab for carrie next. ..but I saw carrie fall all the way down just because I was one second later to grab her.My heart was crushed...

me:let me go.

hibari: what??

me: do it . I'll be fine.

I hesitated. I was going to lose Carrie . I'm not going to lose her too.

Suddenly she struggled a little and caused me to let go.No...she's now falling down too...

my pov:

I open my box weapon and a rain flame butterfly came out.I applied a little cloud flame and it grew big.

I made the butterfly to go catch for carrie. Phew. ..just meters away from death.The butterfly came flying up to catch me.

We landed back at the roof . The butterfly went back to my box.

'you idiot.' hibari looked at me angrily.He hugged me so tight. It was a little uncomfortable but I just let him...

He let go and looked at me with gentle eyes , messing my hair next.

hibari: I thought you were going to do something stupid.

me:I'm not that stupid!!!

hibari: hai hai.

carrie: why did you save me?

me: huh? are you an idiot?

hibari: chibi . Don't be so harsh.


hibari: treat her nicely. Like how you treat me.

me: but...

He puts a finger to my lips making me shut up.

hibari: its your punishment.


hibari: you still owe me 3 punishments.

me: (whines)No fair !!!

hibari: don't be naughty.

me: hmph. carrie...I... don't want you to die.

carrie suddenly giggles.I don't understand at all.

carrie: you're so cute . Just like how I treat hibari . That's why I don't like you.

me: (whines) kyouya!!! just stop this!! I don't want this as my punishment!! She's teasing me!!!

hibari:* giggles* I refuse.

carrie: why don't you want me to die? I'm. ..

me: not rival...you're kyouya's... kyouya's. ..past. Kyouya won't forget you.... Neither can he empty his feelings for you. ..

carrie: kyouya...is that true?

Kyouya nods his head and walks towards her.He hugged her.For some reason I don't feel any jealousy. Rather...I kind of.. .pity her.

carrie: I still don't understand.

me: if you die...kyouya...will be very sad. ..

Kyouya gives her  a kiss on the lips.

hibari: the last kiss.

He walked back to me and pushed me into his embrace.

hibari: I'm hers now. And she's mine.

I feel so happy. He has finally said it.Said that. ..said that he is mine. Tears of joy were at the edge of my eyes ready to fall.

He kissed my lips and the tears fall...

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