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Maya laid stretched out on the bed with Riley using her stomach as a pillow. She smiled as she gently played with the brunette's hair.

"Peaches, you're going to make my hair all greasy," Riley groaned, looking up from the book she was reading.

With a smirk across her face Maya responded, "I'd be more than happy to help you wash it if that happens."

Riley sat up and tossed her book to the foot of the bed, "Oh, so your motives are to just get me naked and wet?"

"Well no, but now that you mention it," she laughed as she pulled Riley close for a kiss. A muffled version of Marimba began to play from somewhere in the bed. "Riles, that's my phone. You know where it is?"

Riley sighed, sliding off the bed to flip back the comforter. The girls dug through the pillows and blankets until Riley located the noisy device. "Here you go," she said while handing it over.

Maya pressed the answer button, and put it up to her ear, "Hello?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Miss Hunter," the voice on the other line said.

"This is she."

"Oh, hello! I am calling from the university health center. Your test results are in. We need you to come back into the lab so the doctor go over them with you."

Maya got up from where she was resting, and began nervously pacing back and forth by the side of the bed, "Can't just tell me over the phone?"

"No, it's policy that no patient results can be given over the phone. I'm afraid you must come back in to receive your results."

"Oh, okay. How soon can you get me in?"

"We have an opening this afternoon at three. Will that work?"

"Uh. Yeah, that works. Thanks." Maya hung up the call and turned to Riley, "They wouldn't tell me over the phone. That's not a good sign is it?"

"Please take a seat, Miss Hunter. The doctor will be in shortly to go over the results," the lab assistant smiled as she left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

Maya paced in the room, fidgeting with her hands.

"Peaches, please sit down," Riley insisted. She was sitting in one of the two chairs near the door.

"Can't sit down. Can't relax. Can't ... I can't ..." Maya's breath became shallow as her nervousness went into a full-blown anxiety attack.

Riley stood from her seat and rushed to the blonde's side. She gently rubbed circles down her back, trying to sooth her, "It'll be fine. This is just routine."

Maya nodded vigorously, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.

The door opened, and a woman appearing to be in her forties walked in holding a file. Maya was able to see her name on the side of it and did her best to control her breathing. This was it.

"Hi, I am Dr. Evans. Which one of you is Maya Hunter \?"

Maya's voice faltered, "I-I am."

"Thank you for coming in," she said with a weak smile. "Why don't you sit down?"

She shook her head in response, "Just tell me, please." Maya felt Riley squeeze her hand gently for encouragement.

"It would be best if you sat down for this," the doctor insisted. When Maya didn't move she sighed and continued, "I'm afraid I have some bad news about the test results."

Maya's pulse quickened, and her breathing became unsteady. She would have sworn all of the air had been sucked from the room if it wasn't for her being the only one going into a panic attack.

"Most of your results came back negative," she paused momentarily, "but you did test positive for chlamydia."

"Oh my god ... no ..." Maya's knees buckled, and she felt herself falling. Riley was quick to catch her before she hit the ground. "I ... god ... I'm so sorry. I ... R-riles ... I ..."

"Shhh, it's ok, Peaches. We'll be ok." Riley looked up to the doctor, "What can we do?" Her heart was breaking, but she had to hold it together for Maya.

"It's curable. Antibiotics and abstinence. It will go away."

Riley let out an audible sigh of relief, "Maya, it'll go away. Did you hear that?"

"I ... I'm s-so sorry."

"Shh, we're going to get you better."

The doctor gave them a sympathetic smile, "I'll be back with a prescription. Follow the instructions for seven days, and we'll need to see you back in three months to retest you. This isn't the end of the world."

Riley nodded, attempting a weak smile. She forced herself to keep her head on straight; she had to for Maya.

"Riles," Maya turned and clung to her. "I'm sorry."

"Shh," Riley rocked Maya back and forth in her arms, attempting to sooth her girlfriend. "This doesn't change anything . I love you."

Riley tucked Maya into bed, gently kissing her forehead as she did. "I'm going to pick up your prescription. Will you be okay until I get back?"

Maya sniffled shamefully and nodded.

"We'll get through this. Just a few months and you'll be good as new. Okay?"

"Yeah, Riley."

"I love you," she placed a kiss on the blonde's lips.

"Love you too."

When Maya heard the door click shut she reached for her phone. I shouldn't be doing this. She scrolled through her texts and found the conversation she was looking for.

"You good?" Maya sent the text before she could think otherwise. She shut her eyes tight, trying to keep her anxiety under control. The phone vibrated in response within seconds.

"Hey there, sweets. Haven't heard from you in a while. I can meet at the usual in 20."

"I'll be there."

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