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Author's Note: This chapter contains sexual content.  

Maya could not have heard the words that came out of her girlfriend's mouth correctly. There was no way Riley just asked her what she thought. The two girls had a night out to celebrate Maya's one month clean. Maya technically still had a few more days of her outpatient program, but her parents had granted her a later curfew for the occasion. Riley had taken her out for dinner at a local restaurant and a walk through the park before leading her back to their future apartment. She insisted that they deserved some alone time before Maya had to be back to her parents at midnight, and Maya was not one to disagree.

Riley had taken control of the situation the moment they crossed the threshold, pulling Maya into a passionate embrace. They stumbled towards the bedroom, never breaking contact where their lips rhythmically moved in sync.

The brunette had immediately gone for the clasp at Maya's waist as her mouth moved from Maya's lips to her neck, and up to her ear, whispering, "Let me touch you. Can I?"

There was no way the innocent, still a virgin, mayor of Rileytown just asked her what she heard. They had recently gotten to a point of removing their tops, but this was something she assumed had been a huge step for Riley. Seeing each other topless was one thing, pantless was another. Maya swore she must have heard incorrectly. "W-what?"

"You deserve to celebrate tonight. I'm so proud of you, Peaches. So I was thinking I could give you an orgasm? If you want."

Maya blinked rapidly as she sat back to look at Riley. She met the brunette's eyes, taking in their warmth. "You're serious?"

"I mean only if you want to," she suddenly looked nervous and unsure of herself. "I just thought you'd want me to. I know you have experience, and I know you've been wanting to do something, but we can't so I just thought," Maya placed her finger to Riley's lips to silence her rambling.

"Honey, of course I want to. But you're forgetting we can't. I haven't been retested yet. We don't know if it's safe," Maya reminded her.

"Just hands, and I'll wash them right after. Twice even!"

"This isn't because of what happened the other day is it?" Maya asked uncertainly. As much as she wanted what Riley was offering, she had to be sure.

"It has nothing to do with that," Riley affirmed. Her face blushed, "To be completely honest I've been thinking about this for weeks. Tonight seemed like the perfect time."

Maya tried her best to control the smile threatening to consume her face, "This is something you really want to do?"

Riley bit down on her lower lip and nodded, "If you're okay with it. I really want to."

"Um, yeah. Okay," she felt like a giddy schoolgirl going to a candy store.

"Should I take off your pants?"

Heat pulled between Maya's legs at her girlfriend's question, "Okay."

Riley nodded and unfastened the clasp of Maya's pants and began to slowly pull them down. Maya lifted her hips to assist as she watched her girlfriend remove her pants and toss them to the floor. The brunette closed her eyes and took a deep breath to regain her confidence before slipping her fingers under the band of Maya's underwear and pulling them off as well. "Wow," she breathed out in awe.

Maya blushed as her smile grew wider.

"What do I do now?" Riley laughed slightly, clearly not have thought her plan all the way through.

Feeling very vulnerable all of a sudden, the blonde answered, "Touch me?"

Nodding, Riley responded, "Just let me know if I'm doing anything wrong, okay?"

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