Chapter 2

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The game is approaching quickly. Two more days and I can relax after. I love basket ball but I can't wait to spend more time with my family. I barely spend time with Cj. Its always practice eat and sleep for me. Every break between seasons I spend as much time with my family as possible.
I rolled out of bed and walked into the living room. My two men were on the couch watching tv. Cj had a bowl of popcorn on his lap. I sat next to Cj and dug my hand in the popcorn.
"What are we watching guys?" I asked.
"Remember I am legend?" Christopher asked.
"Oh my gosh I love this movie." I said as I ate some popcorn.
I haven't seen this movie in forever. The three of us sat on the couch and enjoyed the movie. I was surprised that Cj wasn't scared. My little man is fearless. He makes me feel like a big baby when I get scared at the scary parts.

* * * * *
After the movie I went in my room and got changed. I have practice in a few. I don't want to be late. I packed my bag and put my hair into a ponytail. I went back into the living room and sat down next to Cj. He looked at my clothes and got a very sad face. He knows that I'm going to practice very soon.
He held his little head down.
"Whats wrong lil man?" I asked him.
"Practice mommy?" He said softly.
"Yes honey I'm sorry. This is my last practice and then my game is day after tomorrow." I replied.
"Then no more work?"
"Yes darling."
Cj smiled and hugged me. I checked the time and got up.
"I have to go now baby." I said as I kissed him on his cheek.
"Okay mommy." He said in a low voice. He hugged my legs and I kissed my husband on my way out.

* * * * *
During practice I worked my little heart out. Coach benched me for a while because I can't over work myself. When he let me back on the court we played teams. I passed the ball to Kendra, right before I got fouled. One of the girls knocked me over. I hit my head really hard and blacked out.

When I woke up I realized I was in a hospital. Doctors and nurses were standing all around me. I blinked a few times and wondered why there were so many of them.
"Whats going on?" I groaned. The doctors and nurses chattered among themselves. I stared at them, waiting for an answer.
"Mrs. Lockhart, now that you're awake we would like to do a series of test on you." One of the doctors said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because of your episodes." The nurses answered.
"Okay but can you call my husband?" I said.
"Sure thing I will check the file for his number." A nurse said.
They wheeled me into a MRI room. I was nervous as hell. They did a scan on my brain and back.
After the scan they did ultrasounds on my organs to ensure they were healthy.
Then a nurse drew some of my blood and carried it to the lab. Once the series of test were completed they wheeled me back into my room. My two favorite men were waiting on me.
"Mommy!" Cj yelled.
"Hi baby." I said weakly.
Chris carried Cj next to the bed. He sat Cj down in the bed next to me. Chris kissed me on my lips.
"Mommy what happen?" Cj asked.
"Mommy had an accident." I replied.
"Did you hurt head?" Cj asked.
"Yes mommy hurt head."
"You have to be careful mommy so you don't hurt head."
"Okay baby next time I will be careful."
"Yes mommy very careful."
I kissed my son on his forehead. I laid him on my chest and rubbed his back. I love having my baby boy around me. He makes my headache go away with ease. He can cure any sickness that I have with just a smile.
Christopher held my other hand. I looked up at him and smiled.
"How does your head feel?" He asked.
"Better now that both of you are here." I replied.
"The doctor told me your results will be in by morning."
"So can I go home tonight?"
"I have no idea."
I gently squeezed his hand. Chris kissed me on passionately I forgot Cj was on my chest. When he pulled away I looked at my lil man. He was out cold on my chest. We both chuckled at him. This is everything I've ever wanted. A happy family. I want us to stay happy too.
The doctor came in and cleared his throat.
"You will be discharged tomorrow after your results are out." The doctor stated. I really wanted to go home tonight. I don't have a choice sadly.
Christopher picked up Cj from off of my chest and kissed me one more time before leaving. Visiting hours are almost over and Cj has school. So I am now in this hospital bed alone.
I'm a bit worried about these results. What if they aren't good at all and I end up sick with something? Then what? How would I be able to play and take care of my family? I hope that everything is normal.

In Love With The Game 2: Never Give UpWhere stories live. Discover now