Chapter 3

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I woke up hoping to be home. Reality hit me quick. I was still in the hospital. Its not fun waking up alone, knowing that your son can't get a bye bye kiss before school. A nurse came in and checked my vitals. After that I was fed. They served me toast and jam with orange juice to drink. After I ate the doctor came inside the room.
"Mrs. Lockhart your results are back." He said.
"Okay and I can go home?" I asked.
"Not now. You have a brain tumor. Its about the size of a grape."
"I know its a shock. We need to keep you under close observation."
"Can't I get some meds to make it go away?"
"Medicine can only do so much. If it gets any bigger you may need surgery."
"I have a game tomorrow!"
"I'm sorry but you have to sit this out. The tumor is at the back of your brain which explains the blackouts."
"So what do I do now? I have to get back home to my family."
"We have to make sure that you are better first. You will be discharged this evening but there will be a nurse coming to your house from time to time. Just to ensure that everything is okay. I am going to prescribe your medication."
"Any questions?"
"Is it possible that the tumor could be cancerous?"
"It can be but we are still unsure. We need you to come back in a few weeks for more testing."
The doctor left the room. My eyes watered and tears cascaded down my face. I no longer knew what to do with my life. What if I end up with brain cancer or something? Then how will I take care of my son? If there is anything I love more than basketball its my family. I cried my eyes out until I drifted into a deep sleep.

* * * * *
When I woke up Christopher and Cj were next to me.
"Mommy head feel better?" Cj asked.
"Yes baby head feel much better." I replied.
"I will sign the papers." Christopher said.
"Okay." I replied. Cj sat on the bed next to me and showered my face with kisses. His smile made me smile. Hit little cheeks are so fat. I can't wait to go home.
Chris came back in the room with the doctor. They got me ready so that I can go home. Once I took a shower and got dressed Christopher took me home.
When we got home he handed me my phone. I called coach.
"Hey you ready for tomorrow?" Coach asked.
"I can't make it to the game I'm sick." I replied.
"But we need you!"
"I know but I can't make it."
"Alright then."
Coach hung up and I flopped on the couch.
"What did the doctor tell you? Are you okay?" Christopher asked.
"I have a tumor in my brain." I mumbled.
"I have a tumor in my brain."
"Oh my gosh baby. How bad is it?"
"The size of a grape. Its been the cause of all my blackouts. I have meds to help but if it gets worse then I may need surgery."
Tears fell down my face. I could see Chris on the verge of tears as well. I rested my head on his chest. We both cried for a while.
"Its going to be okay princess." He reassured. He doesn't call me princess that often anymore. I'm glad to hear him say it though.
I heard a loud knock at the front door. I got up and opened the door. My brothers and their families were standing in my doorway. Everybody greeted me with a hug. Renae looks way healthier now. Her breathing is better and her immune system is getting stronger. Thank goodness she is doing better. She used to be in the hospital a lot. Now she only goes if something serious happens and for checkups. I'm so happy to see her healthy again. She has had surgery after surgery in her short life. She is now 7 and she is living her life normally.
I am glad that Cam and Max are still together. Both of them can get pretty petty when they want to. I didn't think they would make it this far. Once they are happy I'm happy for them. I love seeing everybody so happy.
"Hey girl!" Max said, while hugging me.
"Hey." I replied. After being diagnosed I really don't want to be around much people. But I can't kick all of them out. I know the miss me. We all sat in the living room. Renae went upstairs to play with Cj.
"So how's the married life?" Cameron asked.
"Its good." I replied.
"So Cam where do you work now?" Chris asked.
"I work at a dentist office." He replied.
I went in the kitchen and made some sandwiches for everyone. I wanted to ease my mind as much as possible. I made ham and cheese sandwiches for everyone. Nobody can go wrong with ham and cheese.
I served them the sandwiches and sat back down on the couch. We all chatted until Cj came downstairs crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Renae hurt head." He cried.
Tasha ran upstairs with Mason. The came back down with Renae and she wasn't breathing. Max called an ambulance. I grabbed Cj and took him upstairs. Cj cried.
"Mommy Renae hit head." Cj cried.
"How?" I asked.
"We play catch and she fall and hit head."
"She is gonna feel better okay baby."
"Okay mommy."

* * * * *
The ambulance arrived quickly. Renae was rushed to the hospital. I felt heart broken. I hope she will be okay. I remember taking care of her a lot.
I paced the floor patiently with Cameron.
"She is going to be okay baby she is a fighter." Christopher said.
"I know baby but thats my niece."
"I know. She will be okay baby."
I sat on the floor and cried. I also prayed that she would be okay.
After an hour Mason finally called.
"Is she okay?" I asked through the phone, breathing heavily.
"Somewhat. One of her lungs collapsed, they have her on a breathing machine." Mason said.
"What? I thought her lungs were healthy."
"We thought so too but something was overlooked."
"So what now? She has to wait for a lung transplant?"
"Yeah or they can do a stem cell thing for her lungs but we can't afford it right now."
"She is waking up talk to you later baby sis."
"Okay later."
Chris and Cam looked at me waiting to hear what Mason said.
"Her lung collapsed. She needs a new one or some type of stem cell treatment." I said.
Cam sat down. I am praying for my niece. She has been a bundle of joy since the day she was born.
"Don't worry Cam she will make it." I reassured even though I was a but doubtful.

In Love With The Game 2: Never Give UpWhere stories live. Discover now