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Sophia POV

" so what do you guys do for living " I ask
" we work at a beauty salon" fiona and Lilly say
" I own a business and sell protein shakes and I'm a life coach" Liam says and I'm impressed
" I'm an accountant" Louis says
" and I'm a writer .  Oh and so is harry but he never seems to be so focused" Jackson snaps.

"Well I have other interests then writing bullshit all the time" Harry snaps back.
" Well that's pretty awesome that you're interested in more than one thing Harry" I defend him.  His dimples show " thank you Sophia".

Harry's pov

This dude honestly pisses me the fuck off. I hate how I always have to compete with him when it comes to work. He has the charm but he's an arrogant asshole that I can't stand. I honestly did really appreciate the way Sophia was nice to me about all his annoying remarks. She was way too beautiful but she would not want to do anything with me.

" So what do you do Sophia" I ask
" Oh well I just finished school and I'll be a nurse starting next week" she smiles. She's way too beautiful and sexy. I think every guy in this room knows that, especially annoying ass Jackson, he can't keep his fucking mouth closed.

"Wow you're beautiful and smart" Jackson says to her and thanks him. Maybe he does have charm but he's a major dick that wants to fuck every girl.  Trust me he gets every girl.  Unlike me.  I do get hit on quite often but I'm really just not interested in any certain girl at the moment. I've had sex with 5 different girls, that's low compared to Jackson.  I'm surprised that he's clean.  The fucker likes to have sex every night.

"Sophia may I please have your number" Jackson asks her with a smirk.
" Actually I think we should all exchange numbers with you ladies so we can hang out more often" Louis adds.  I'm not going to lie I was happy that he said that.

" here Harry" Sophia says and hands me her phone while I do the same.  She's very beautiful but I know she's going to be with that fucking dumbass.  We all say our goodbyes and Jackson kisses her on the cheek.  What a fag.

Sophia POV

" I can tell Jackson likes you" Kristen says to me.  I'm surprised he's very handsome but I can't keep my eye off Harry.  He probably wouldn't like me anyway.

" yeah he does " Ashley adds
" your friends are very nice and I'm happy to be here" I say trying to change the subject
" oh no problem" Jessica says.  I go back to my room and check my phone to see I got one new text.

Jackson:  it was very nice meeting you beautiful.  I would love to catch up with you sometime.  We can maybe grab lunch tomorrow if you'd like?
Me: that'd be great.  See you then.

This lunch better be great.  I'm sure it will.
I woke up feeling great.  This room is honestly beautiful.  I'm happy right now which is rare but I'm enjoying it. I get up and head to the shower to get ready to walk around today.  I put my makeup on, do my hair and change into jeans and off shoulder shirt.  I decide to put sneakers on because I wanted to be comfortable.  I head out and write a note saying that I'll be out.  I find a Starbucks near by.  Thank god because I'm honestly hungry.  After I finish eating, I stop to see someone familiar.  It was Harry.  He was wearing glasses and was typing into his computer.  Should I go in and say hi?  I say to myself.  Eh why the fuck not he's not going to bite.

" hey Harry" I say
" oh hi Sophia what are you doing here all by yourself" he says while smiling yet looking confused at the same time.
" well I'm a big girl now and I just wanted to look around" I say
" Well obviously and I would love to show you around but I'm busy writing" he says

" oh shit.  I'm sorry for interrupting.  I'll leave you alone" I say feeling like a complete moron.

" no it's fine, I don't mind at all.  I could honestly use a break" he says smiling and making feel better
" so what made you move here" he asks me looking curious.
" well obviously for the nursing job and I wanted to get away from home.  Like I obviously will miss my parents and friends a lot but I just wanted to get away from certain people" I tell him. 

I wanted to get away.  I miss Alex very much. Alex was my second love and the sweetest guy I was ever with.  I remember I met him the day I turned 18.

"It's going to be lit tonight but first we obviously need to have a great birthday dinner for my beautiful best friend" Ashley says
" yes I honestly can't wait" I shout in excitement.

We get in the restaurant and the hostess seats us at our table with the rest of our friends.
" Hi welcome to bonefish my name is Alex and I'll be taking care of you guys is there anything that I can get you to drink" he says and his beautiful blue eyes meet my boring brown eyes.
End of flashback

I remember that moment like it was yesterday.  He was honestly the greatest guy I was ever with.  I still miss him to this day but I don't have that grief where I used to cry every night.  He died a year and a half later when we met.  It was terrible.  I knew that he was the one.  I loved him so much and he knew how to make me happy.   He motivated me so much.  I hate how I lost someone that great in my life.  I obviously had help and dealt with the grief.  It's good to know that's he resting in a happy place now.  I know he's always watching over me.

That isn't the reason why I wanted to leave.  My ex boyfriend Jake was a dick and I honestly hate that I went back with him.  Jake was my first love.  We dated in high school but the relationship was toxic.  We broke up when we were 17.  We reconnected when we were 21 and I can't lie and say I didn't fall back for him.  He was just crazy and I stopped dealing with it.  He didn't want to stop though.  He slapped me across the face when we broke up.  I honestly hate him.
" Um Sophia are you okay" Harry asks

" sorry I just thought about something.  Anyways what are your plans today" I ask
" oh just working and having to run some errands and have to clean my flat because it's a big mess" he says
"Oh you clean" I say teasing him
" well yeah I'm not a filthy man" he says
" that's good some men are pigs physically and not mentally" I say and he laughs

" so what are your plans today" he asks
" well I'm going to lunch with your favorite person, Jackson." I say and he rolls his eyes
" good luck with that" he says

" what's up with you two if you don't mind me asking" I ask with curiosity and he starts getting tense.
"Well we work for the same publishing company and they love our work which gets us competitive well he is.  He always wins though mainly because of his charm but have fun today with him" he says
" alright well bye Harry" I say
" Bye Sophia.  Nice seeing you" he says and I smile.

I sit casually waiting for Jackson.  I suddenly see him rushing towards me.
" Sorry I was late my cat was sick and I took her to the vet before leaving" he says.

" aww it's okay" I say but it was honestly kind of fake.  That was a weird excuse.
"Anyways how was your day" he asks
"I was just exploring around the area and ran into Harry just having a chat with him" I say
" was he being rude to you.  If he was, I'll ruin him" he says
" No not at all. Why?'' I ask

" He's the biggest dick I've ever met in my life and extremely lazy" he says sounding annoyed.  Oh was all I managed to say.  I couldn't even imagine Harry being dick.  Well I just met him yesterday.  Jackson changes the subject and starts talking about himself.  He's honestly very sweet and extremely smart.

" look Sophia, I hope this isn't too soon but I would really like to take you out to dinner." He asks.  I pause and think to myself.  Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
"Yes that'd be nice" I say smiling
" great. I'll pick you up tomorrow night.  Wear something nice." He says
Well then.  I have a date with Jackson.  Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

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