Ch 47

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This chapter is going to high key screw me over.

Sophia's POV

I'm back in London.  Work is stressful and I've been working so many hours that Harry's mom had to take care of our dog.  I'm dreading going to work right now.  I take a quick shower. I put my hair in a high pony tail and do my natural makeup look.  I put my scrubs and sneakers on  and head on out.  As I'm walking out I see two guys in a hoodie and a mask.  What the fuck, is this the purge?

I get inside my car and head to McDonald's to get some breakfast.  I get my breakfast burrito and coffee.  I eat in the car while listening to Migos.  I park inside the parking garage and grab my badge so I can get inside the hospital.  As I get out I see the two men in the mask and hoodie and I feel scared.

I start to speed walk and they start running towards me.  I pick up my speed and one of them grabs me.  I start to panic and start hitting him but he's too strong.  The other guys pull something out moving it towards my face, knowing it was chloroform.  Eventually everything went dark.

3 hours later...

I wake up and everything is a blur.  As my vision starts to clear up I noticed my surroundings and I was tied up.  "Help" I started to scream.  "Ah I see you're awake" I hear a male's voice.  "Ryan" I ask.  "The one and only" I start moving out of control wanting  to get out of this damn chair.  "Did Jackson set you up to this"
I ask.

"Hmm maybe" Jackson says walking through the doors.  My heart starts beating faster and I start to tear as he moves closer to me.  "Jackson why, why are you doing this" I say.  "Well for starters, you're a little bitch.  This gives me joy.  So much joy too.  Why? Because Harry isn't hear to save you" he says laughing.

I'm praying that Harry would come and kill them.  "Jackson stop with this.  Harry shouldn't be relevant to you" I say.  "There's other reasons why your ass is in here" he says with a smirk.  "Boss come out" he says.

Once he says that, I see Jake.  I start shaking uncontrollably.  "Surprise" he says with an evil smile.  I start screaming hoping someone can hear me and help me.  "Shut up" he yells as he slaps me across the face.  "Let's have a little chat princess, to clear things up since you're so stupid" he says.

There's a table tiny table between us and he takes a seat.  He pulls out a knife and I get scared.  "Please don't kill me" I say crying.  "Don't give me a reason to" he says back while taking the knife out and playing with it.  "I already stabbed you once.  It was painful wasn't it" he says with a smirk.  I take a deep breath.  "What are you talking about" I ask.  "Cmon Soph, you're not stupid, think" he asks.

I start crying hysterically.  "You didn't" I scream.  He smiles, "Oh but I did".  "Please tell me this is a fucking nightmare, I can't-."  I say but the rest of the words couldn't come out.  Everything was a lie.  "Yes I killed Alex, and yes I did stab you.  Funny how the guy you loved once killed the guy you really loved then you came back to him" he says.  "And you call me stupid" he says giving me a dirty look.

"You love blindly Soph" he says.  "Fuck you" I say.  "You already did love and you will again in a bit".  "Now you think you're going to tell the cops on me, right" he says.  "You're not because  I will kill everyone that you love including your dumb boyfriend" he says.  "Funny how you think he'll save" Jackson pitches in.  "Right now, he thinks you're in the OR helping the doctors and surgeons out" he says.  "My job obviously fucking knows I'm not there" I scream.  "Oh well you called in sick today" he says.  "Everything is taking care of" Jackson says.

"Alright back to what I was saying.  I will kill everyone you love and if you don't believe me look who's here" Jake says.  "Ryan bring her out" Jackson says.  I'm incredibly scared.  They bring Jessica out and she has tape around her mouth and is tied up.  "Same goes for you princess, if you tell" he says to her.  "After this you're going to break up with Harry and if you don't, I'll make you watch me kill him like I made you watch Alex die" he says laughing.

"Before you leave, guys untie her legs and take her to the bed" Jake commands.  Please don't tell me what I think they're going to do.

"Undress her" he says.  "Ryan, Jackson, no please" I beg.  "Shut up" Ryan says.  I can hear Jessica trying to scream through the tape.  I see her tears.

They pull my pants off as I start to kick.  They were both so strong, I couldn't get out of their grip.  They take my shirt off quickly.  "She's ready".  Jake starts to go closer to me. 

"You're still so beautiful" he says looking up and down at my body.  "I'm assuming the nice lingerie was for Harry later.  Too bad he won't have you by then" he says.  "Jake please don't do this, I'll do anything" I say.  "And you are.  You're so loyal and that's what I always loved about you" he says as he starts kissing my breasts.  I cringe and feel uncomfortable.  I wish I can move and kill all of them, but I can't.

He pulls off my underwear and right then and there, I had no tears.  I felt nothing as I felt everything.  He keeps going and stops.  "Well I don't want to cum inside you because I'm not getting your ass pregnant" he says.  The guys start to laugh.  "Now Sophia you know what to do.  Break up with him by tonight.  I know you will" he says.

"Untie them" he says and Jackson starts to untie me while Ryan unties Jessica.  I change back to me clothes as quickly as I can wanting to leave.  They pull a gun out towards me and Jessica.  "Just to make sure you girls won't do anything stupid" Jackson says. 

We get inside the car and I start to cry.  "Jessica I'm so fucking sorry.  This is all my fault, I didn't mean for them to kidnap you" I say.  She stops and hugs me.  "I know, I know.  I'm in shock and I can't even express anything because I don't how you're feeling.  This is awful and I'm sorry that this happened to you.  You don't deserve any of this" she says crying back.  "Life is gonna be hard and life sucks but we'll get through this" she says.

She's right.  It's going to get worse.  The look on Harry's face when I end things is going to kill me but I need him to be safe and alive.

This chapter was fucked.  How do you think Harry will react?

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