Ch 43

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Sophia's POV

I'm currently driving back home. We were all too tired to go to the club anyways since the different time zones. I'm way too anxious anyways. I'm also angry and hurt. Just seeing Jake's face drove me insane.

You know I wish my first love was something memorable, they usually are for everyone else.  I didn't want to be screwed over by some douche but I did get screwed over by some douche.  What's even worse was that I got back with him a few years later after Alex died and what do I get out of it?  An abusive boyfriend.

Jake is nothing like Harry.  Harry cares about me.  He doesn't hurt me and when we get into a fight, we always talk it out and he doesn't ignore me for days.  Harry still makes me nervous to this day as if it was like seeing him for the first time over and over again. I love him so much.

Do I tell him though or disregard the fact that I saw my abusive ex. It's not like he touched or came up to me, thank god he didn't. Eh, I'm just going to keep this to myself and I don't want to waste my energy on him.

As we pull up to my dads driveway, I park the car. Harry, Niall and Ashley were talking about American politics and I was oblivious to what they were saying since I wasn't listening. I open the door to my dads house. Niall and Ashley head upstairs to the room that they're staying in.

I walk to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. I feel someone's arms wrap around me, noticing it's Harry. "Are you okay" he says, obviously knowing that something's up with me. "I am, I'm just tired" I say turning around to face him. "You're not lying to me, right" he says while furrowing his eyebrows and examining my face. "No Harry, I'm just really really tired" I say, which was clearly a lie. "Okay" he says with a smile with his dimples lightly showing. He turns his face and is expecting me to kiss him on the cheek. I roll my eyes and try to go for it. He turns his face away and kisses me instead which makes me laugh. I'm not really a lovey dovey person but I guess he's an exception.

"You know I'm not tired" he says as he pours a cup of tea for himself.  "You're not" I ask.  "Well if I'm with you then I'm not.  Kinda wish you weren't tired" he says while shrugging.  "Okay I guess I'll stay up with you" I say sarcastically.  He laughs, "So what do you want to do" he says.  My mind says let's go to the pool but I don't know if he's up for that.  "Um I was thinking about going to the pool but it's late" I say.  "So what let's go in" he says.  "Really" I say back surprised.  "Yes really you idiot" he says and I roll my eyes.

"I'll be right back" I say while going upstairs quickly to change into my bathing suit. I pick a white strapless one. I look at my bottoms knowing they're a bit cheeky. I gained some weight and I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing. Ugh who cares?

I grab a towel from the closet and wrap it around me.  I head downstairs and to the backyard to see Harry's already in the pool.  I smile at him as he exchanges one back.  I throw the towel off and he looks dead at me.  I pretend not to notice. I sit down besides the edge of the pool and dip my feet in for now.

I see him swimming up to me. "Come in the water " he says with his voice sounding deeper, instantly turning me the fuck on.

He touches my thighs and starts rubbing them heading towards my hips.  He gently pulls me into the water still gripping onto my thighs.  I don't say anything and just let him do what he wants with me.

My legs are wrapped around him as I'm still in the water.  "Harry".  He glares up at me "yeah".  I look at him and how he always has his full attention on me.  "I actually love you" I say.  He chuckles, "Um wow, I actually love you too babe" he says with a laugh".  "Ughh you know what I mean".

"I know. I know" he says and giving me a quick peck.  He swims around me.  All of sudden I feel his arms wrap around my body.  We were both quiet, staring at the moon.  It sounds cliché but it was nice. 

"Soph, can I ask you something" he says looking nervous. I nod.  "This is really weird but like" he pauses and starts scratching the back of his neck, "Um what's your opinion on marriage or kids" he asks.  I stop and think.  I'm actually not weirded out that he asked that.  I would want to be with Harry forever if that was my choice.   "Well I would want that one day just not now" I say and he looks deeply into me as he's trying to read me or something.  "And I feel like I have my life together right now and I'm thankful for everything I have and that um also includes you" I say nervously.

He breaks into a smile, "If I have to be entirely honest you're everything that I always wanted and I never asked or looked for love.  I never really believed in it until I met you.  Even though I lost my memory of meeting you for the first time, I know that you were still the one back then and even now" he says to me.  I'm in awe with his words and want to cry.

I feel a tear.  "Fuck Harry you know I hate crying" I say to him.  He laughs and presses his lips against mine.  Our kiss was slow and passionate and something that I don't want to end.

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