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Harry's POV

Life has been shitty these past few months. I miss Sophia so much. I miss everything about her and wonder how she's doing. What happened to her? It has to be a big fucking deal if we can't be together no more. I want to call and tell her I got the promotion, to make her happy.

I hear a knock on my door. I groan in agony not wanting to get up. I open the door and see Liam. "Hey mate how are you doing" I ask. "good and you" he says. "I'm hanging in there" I say with a slight smile. 

"You want to talk about it" he asks.  " I need to.  I need to let it all out" I say.  I take a deep breath, "she broke up with me"  I say.  "I kinda figured that out when she moved out" he says. 

"Well she came back a couple of weeks later to explain and she said she couldn't give me a reason because it's dangerous and it could fuck her life up.  Then she told me she was pregnant but that day she came to me, she lost the baby" I say while looking down.  "Harry I'm so sorry mate.  You guys shouldn't be going through this" he says patting me on the back.  "I miss her Liam, so much.  We were supposed to have a baby, I mean we never planned on it but I would be a father for her." I say. 

"I really wonder what happened to her.  I wonder how Sophia is doing.  This has to be incredibly painful for her to be going through like why did she have to leave you" he asks.  I shrug, "I wish I knew".  "Let me call her" he says.  My eyes widen "Are you an idiot no" I say to him.  "Okay she's obviously not going to talk to you but maybe I can get her to spill some things and you can figure it out" he says.  I can't believe I'm agreeing to this.  "Okay fine".

He takes his phone out and calls.  I don't expect her to answer.  After a few rings I practically jumped when I heard her voice. 

"Sophia, I was just thinking about you and wanted to see how you were doing" Liam says to her.  "I'm alright.  I've been keeping myself busy.  I'm actually going back to school to become a doctor" she says and I feel proud.

"That's great.  Where do you go" he asks.  "I'm in med school in New York" she says.  "New York , really" he says.  "Yeah I'm staying with some family that I grew up with.  It's fun yet hectic here" she says.  I smile at her voice.  "How's Harry" she says and I'm surprised that she mentioned me.  I thought she would avoid talking about me.  Liam looked at me.  "Oh he's Harry.  He misses you but he's doing good" he says.  I'm not.  "He got that promotion" he mentions.

"Oh my god really.  I'm so proud of him.  I knew he would get it" she says excitedly.  I smile because I can feel her excitement through the phone.  "I know he'd be extremely proud of you if he found out you went med school" he says.  "Oh I don't think so.  I'm not proud of myself, I've been going to therapy and I'm on medication" she says and I feel bad.  I'll always have that soft spot for her and I'll always be proud of her.

"Hey don't say that.  He's going to be proud of you.  I'm proud of you and you should be too" he says.  "Thanks Liam.  How's everyone else doing" she asks.  "We're doing alright and we miss you" Liam says.  "Ugh I miss you guys too.  Liam life is just awful, to be honest I don't even know how I'm alive" she says and my heart breaks.

"You know what I know.  You're a strong girl.  If you put your mind into something you want you can definitely get it.  No one should ever stop you.  I know my advice sounds stupid but it's true.  There's people out here that love you.  I know this guy that's a big dork and he's crazy about you.  I think he's losing his mind without you" Liam says.  I am losing my mind without my love.

"I am too believe me Liam.  I want to tell him everything, I can't though" she says.  "Why not".  "It's dangerous and that's all I can say.  I'm sorry Liam I have class starting in a few.  It was nice talking you.  I miss you" she says.  "I miss you too, good bye" he says to her.  "I can tell she still loves you" he says.  Does she though?

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