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I breathed out. The sudden trickle of relief pressed the air out of my lungs, but at the same time it made me breathe freely finally.

The whole Gryffindor table started cheering and as I walked over to them my friends hugged me, just as people I've never seen before in my life. "Told you, I'd be right back!" I said happily as I hugged Harry.

After Dumbledore explained the whole thing about the Triwizard tournament, we were making our way to the tower. Seriously, everyone was totally overreacting. Some teenagers who are risking their lifes to become famous and get a bit of cash? I think not. „A hundred galleons...," Ronald muttered the whole time.

"You could use this money, Weasley," Draco Malfoy siad as he positioned himself in our way. "I found out your name," he added towards me with a proud grin. I rolled my eyes. Again. "It shoudn't have been hard, even for you, since McGonnagall called it through the whole hall," I awnsered. "Are these two your bodyguards?" I asked pointing towards Crabbe and Goyle. "Or just your lapdogs?"

I patted him on the shoulder and walked past them. "This is gonna be interesting," Gin murmured. I threw a look at her.


As the boys and us seperated, we climbed the stairs to our room. I let myself fall onto the bed that wasn't occupied. "Paradise," I sighed statisfied.

After a while, I got up to pack out my stuff. "So, where's the closet?" I asked. Hermione pointed at a small cupboard at the wall. "No, I mean the one for the clothes," I added. The two girls looked at each other and started laughing. "What's so funny?"I asked irritated. "That is the one for the clothes, dear," Ginny giggled. "Very funny, G," I told her, but when they didn't stop laughing I stared at them, shocked. How was I supposed to fit all my clothes in this little thing?


Finally I made it somehow. Though I used quite a bit of the floor on my side of the room, I was quite proud of myself .

During breakfast, Harry asked me, "Which subjects do you have?" „Besides the usual ones, I have Ancient Runes, Arithmacy and Care of Magical Creatures," I answered. "Hey, that means we have everything toghether," Hermione cheered and I smiled.

"Wait until we have potions," Ron warned me. I looked at him, confused. "I love potions," I said. They just replied my look in disbelief.

The first lesson was Ancient Runes, which I had with Hermione. It was nothing special, just another lesson in school.

After that we met Harry and Ron in history. Ron mumbled, "Very well, another hour of sleep." I frowned. I didn't like it, but it seemed like Ron and me had very different points of view. From my point of view I could for example clearly see, that Hermione was totally in love with him. He couldn't.

While the teacher, Professor Binns, was telling us something, Ron fell asleep. Harry was staring around with glassy eyes and even Hermione didn't seem that interested. I was occasionally taking notes and as the teacher asked us a question, I lifted my arm. Professor Binns stared at me as if I had a third eye and lifted his brows. "Do you have a question, Mrs..." "Potter," I said – like really, how did this idiot miss my name?–, "Emily Potter. And actually, no, I wanted to answer yours." His eyebrows, if possible, rose even higher. "Umm...," he seemed completely lost, "ah, right, go ahead."

I took a deep breath, "The Goblin Rebellions were a series of rebellions in which the goblin population revolted against discrimination and prejudice toward their kind by wizards and witches. They were most prevalent during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but even in modern times, there are rumours that there are subversive goblin groups working in secret against the Ministry of Magic.

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