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            What was she going to do? There had been no attempts on Senator Organa’s life but Obi Wan had been dispatched back to Mandalore because several attempts had been made on Duchess Satine’s life. She guessed that it wouldn’t be long before Bail or Padme was next. She had taken to sleeping in the room next to his in his private quarters. No one seemed to think it was odd. The Jedi just saw it as an opportunity to protect him better, the senate saw it as an aide being at beck and call, and only Anakin and Padme knew why she slept so close to him, even if it was in a separate room. She lay in the dark thinking about him when she decided she needed a drink. She was wearing a long red night gown. It was low cut with a tight waist and a flowing shirt, it had sheer short sleeves. On her feet she wore red slippers. She made her way to the kitchen. As she got into the room she noticed that Bail was standing by the fridge holding the container of blue milk. He stood flooded in the light of the fridge and he only had pj pants on. She blushed at the sight of his bare chest.

            “Oh, Katalina” Bail smiled as he closed the door to the fridge. He pulled out two glasses from the cabinet. “Come for a drink?”

            “Yeah, but don’t you usually have a droid for this” Katalina sat in a stool at the counter. He poured them both a glass of the blue milk, and then put the milk back in the fridge.

            “I do, but it’s not necessary for a glass of milk” Bail smiled, taking the stool across the counter from her. He took a sip before continuing to speak. “I had an interesting experience on the battle cruiser, when you went back to your room.” She raised a brow but didn’t speak as he continued again. “Did you know that Obi Wan Kenobi has a sister?”

            “No, I didn’t know that” Kat said trying no to sound nervous. “Was she nice?”

            “Yes, but I didn’t see her face, she kept herself hidden underneath her hood.” Bail shrugged his shoulders as he reached for the cookie jar that sat close to him. She watched as he took one out for her and for him. She took it.

            “Oh, I heard something about a Jedi who keeps herself pretty well hidden” Katalina spoke.

            “I think that’s smart”


            “Yes” He smiled and took a bite of his cookie. “I mean Jedi are good people, Obi Wan and I are good friends, but they do the whole super hero thing and everyone knows them. I mean a Jedi with a bit more discretion is a good idea”

            “I agree” She looked down at her cup before up at him. She frowned as she tried to figure out how to say what she wanted to say next. She didn’t want to seem suspicious. “What do you think about the law against love?”

            “What do you mean?” Bail asked

            “I mean. I’ve heard there’s a law that Jedi are forbidden to fall in love and marry. Do you agree with that?” She looked down at her hands as she waited for his response.

            “I would have said I don’t agree before I met Obi Wan. But he explained more about the Jedi and their customs, and I understand it.” Bail sighed softly. “If I were to met and fall in love with one, I would tell her that I had to let her go”

            “And what if this Jedi told you she would gladly leave the order if you said the words?” Katalina looked up at him. He seemed to be thinking for a moment.

            “I don’t know” Bail sighed. “I don’t know what I would do; I would probably have to do the right thing, which would be to let her go. Why do you ask?”

Broken Paths (A Bail Organa -Star Wars: clone wars fanfic)(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now