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It was insufferable, the same thick silence that had formed the day he'd left. It had stuck around and never left him since, the lack of companionship becoming almost unbearable in the small space of the apartment.

The silence was the only thing that was practically living in the stone cold place. The clock that used to chime happily marking every hour had long stopped, the appliances in the house had covered in dust from the lack of use. A pile of letters had formed under the door, the plants on the balcony were beginning to wilt from the lack of water and proper looking after. It was the middle of winter- the heating in the apartment block wasn't working yet the one person supposedly living there didn't know about it. Yes, in this insufferable little apartment, despite the silence seeming alive there was one other living thing in the apartment, but even so he was more or less becoming a ghost.

He wanted to disappear , it would be easier than this suffering.

Kim Mingyu lay lifeless on the once warm bed, the once warm with his presence. It was the same presence that kept him alive, that kept him warm inside. He stared hopelessly at the blank ceiling, which looked like a blank canvas that had no ideas or emotions expressed to it. It had been two weeks since Wonwoo left, when he found his boyfriend kissing another man. His own fault, his own undoing.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid"

Mingyu muttered to himself as he got up of the bed, all the vicious thoughts circling him. He was suppose to be a dangerous man, a drug Lord. A highly praised man in his little world he and his friends had created for himself. He surely couldn't just lie down all day, even though he'd more or less done that for almost two weeks. He'd be a laughing stock, yet he'd realised just how much he'd lost when Wonwoo had left. He'd only got the drug money and his apartment. That's all that was left. His friends did have lives, some, despite the drug dealer status', were also planning to settle down. He was being ridiculous yet sensible.

As he got up, another round of dizziness hit him like that punch round the face did, the purple bruises has just started to fade, the cut on his lip had disappeared. He deserved it though, he knew Wonwoo deserved better than him. Way better.

Mingyu sighed before unsteadily getting to his feet, his legs yet again feeling like they'd give way. He felt the glass bottles under his feet, the floor was sticky from the drops of alcohol that had been spilt and never cleaned up. The mix of that and leftover drug packets, money and his burner phone that had several missed calls. Customers. He'd missed the drop off for this week. Hopefully someone else had dealt with it.

It had been like this since he'd left, everything had gone downhill including Mingyu's care about looking after himself. He wouldn't go to the doctors because he knew they'd only tell him that he was in need of looking after himself, but Wonwoo was the one who usually made sure of that. He'd also been drinking and shoving drugs down his throat for the past two weeks, and it would be best if no one discovered that.

He'd done it again- back on the bottle and reaching for the last packet of cigarettes he'd scrounged off his friends last time they went out, two weeks ago. He didn't light one though- he'd already smoked the rest of the packet leaving three as it's contents. He stuck the packet in his pocket before finally standing up.

Stumbling into the front room, he saw for the first time as his sober self how everything had been frozen since Wonwoo left. Usually he'd be able to hear Wonwoo singing his heart out when he though Mingyu couldn't hear him, or be able to see his round glasses he always wore to look cute for Mingyu lying on the table. The photos of them both still lined the walls, the happiness tried to shine in through the dullness it had became. He'd totally disappeared from his life, like a painting being washed away from a canvas.

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