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Choi Seungcheol aimlessly walked alongside the hustle and bustle of the main road's early morning traffic, the morning air filled his lungs as he continued to walk down the one familiar road that lead to a familiar apartment block. A lit cigarette in his mouth, phone in hand. Periodically he kept dialing the number that sat on the screen of his phone, staring back up at Seungcheol as he continued on his way. The owner of the number never picked up no matter how many times the older rang.

"I'm sorry, but the person you have called is unavailable" the voice tone told him for the nth time in the past hour. It was becoming not just annoying, more like a piss take.

"Damnit Mingyu" Seungcheol muttered with a sigh, picking up his pace and walking faster towards the familiar block of apartments he knew well. He hadn't heard off Wonwoo either which was very strange indeed, but Vernon had contacted him to tell him that Wonwoo was staying with himself and Seungkwan.

Vernon, Seungcheol, Wonwoo and Mingyu used to be a very close bunch. They used to go out every Friday night, whether that was to play snooker or discover new bars, the quad group had always been there for each other. But things changed- Vernon had moved in with his boyfriend, Seungcheol had got married and Wonwoo and Mingyu were carrying on with their own lives together as a couple. But what had gone so wrong with the soulmate duo that they had split up so suddenly? There was also the fact that Mingyu, Seungcheol and some of their other friends (bar Vernon and Wonwoo) had started up their own secret drug ring a year ago. It paid their bills, it helped paid for everything they wanted and needed in life. It was dangerous, but it was their new way of life. Mingyu couldn't be slacking off now. He'd missed one drop, and he knew work was picking up this month. He needed his friend to be okay.

Did they have a fight? Why was Wonwoo staying with Vernon? Did Wonwoo find out about the dealing?

The questions circled Seungcheol's mind as he walked into the apartment block building. He discarded the cigarette in the drain as he pulled through the door. It was cold, the smell of rain and damp filled his senses as he made his way up the open staircase. The tapping of his shoes upon the concrete floor echoed through the block, he passed by more and more apartments as he travelled upwards. It was quiet as always, almost too quiet. Most the residents worked day shifts so the apartment block was usually deserted like this.

Upon reaching the top floor where the Kim-Jeon residents resided, Seungcheol didn't know why a bad feeling suddenly swept over him.

He didn't know how or why it did, but it felt as if something had happened, that something was off. With his hand ready to knock on the door, just before he did he hesitated. Instead Seungcheol opted for pulling out his phone instead, dialing the number once more and listening carefully.

Ring, ring, ring.

It was as loud and clear as day, Mingyu's phone could be heard from the other side of the door. It was more than loud enough to be heard yet no-one answered, instead Seungcheol just stood and waited as the ringer rung itself out, his phone going to answer phone once again. There was no sound of life or movement at all from the other side of the door, It was deadly silent. Seungcheol went over to the door and pounded his fists on the solid divide between him and inside.

"MINGYU!" He shouted from the top of his lungs hoping for a reply. Waiting for a reply. Pleading. Silence returned.

There was no sound, nothing at all.

"Can I help you?" Seungcheol suddenly jumped as a voice called out to the bewildered man pounding at the door. He turned slightly to see a middle age lady standing outside a door on the over side of the floor. He didn't realise they had neighbors on this floor, but like he said when he usually came the place was usually deserted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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