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Jeon Wonwoo sat at the small table out in the open, the sunny day made it a good time to stop downtown. Cars whizzed past as he took a sip of the black coffee in front of him, the bitter taste rolled off his tongue. It was never as good as the coffee Mingyu made. Now that was always rich, the taste just the way Wonwoo liked it.

It had been two weeks since he left Mingyu, after he found out he was a drug dealer and him kissing another man in their own house. The thoughts crawled onto his mind again, Wonwoo took a large sip of the bitter liquid, hoping the thoughts would disperse. It was typical, inevitable. Mingyu liked clubbing, drinks, drugs. With the increase of him doing those things instead of working and spending time with Wonwoo it was bound to have happened soon.

"Idiot" he laughed slightly to himself. The whole situation was like one big joke now, something he'd wanted to leave behind with Mingyu for the time being. He'd always tried to work hard for them both, being at the office in the middle of the city until all hours trying to provide for a future, for his family. He loved Mingyu, he couldn't lie, but Mingyu had never learned his lesson, and now he'd suffer the consequences.

Wonwoo eventually just sighed, picking up the newspaper in front of him and tying to read the words that littered the pages. He squinted before forgetting that it was useless to try and attempt to depict the words without his glasses. Yet he was expecting his glasses to be handed to him, or even the paper snatched from his grasp.

It's what Mingyu used to do.

He always used to help Wonwoo if he needed it, especially with the glasses. He usually always needed his glasses. If they were going out Mingyu always remembered them, he always remembered the little things Wonwoo didn't, some of these things mattered the most. Some of them were memories he didn't want to forget, even if he did Mingyu would remember them.

The sudden eruption of a car horn startled him, he jumped slightly before throwing the paper aimlessly back onto the table. He'd pick one up later and read it out of the hustle of the city.

Then, not to his surprise, the waitress yet again returned back to his table for the several time since he'd arrived, twirling her hair as she leaned over his table. It was getting old by now.

He knew exactly where this was going. Again.

"So, is there anything else-" she began to spurt rubbish when he stopped her in her tracks. She was clearly desperate and Wonwoo wasn't in the mood to listen.

"I have a partner sweetie" flashing a fake smile, she had quickly turned and clipped her heals away as soon as she'd heard his response. Wonwoo chuckled to himself as she headed to another lone man's table and played her game with him instead.

"Someone's desperate" he muttered to himself finishing his bitter beverage, savoring very taste until it's last. As he did, he remembered what he said to her.

I have a partner, but did he really?

He sighed heavily leaving a small tip on the table, leaving with a clatter that matched the busy streets behind him. At least the tip would mean he wouldn't have to say thank you, instead he could camouflage and leave into the hustle and bustle of the city.

Walking down the street the sun beat down upon him, the glare off the pavement bounced back and stared up at his eyes, making them irritable and creating a glare. He thought about what Mingyu would have done, he would have pulled out his shades and a spare pair, handing over one for Wonwoo to wear. It was another one of the small things he remembered, which Wonwoo forgot. They'd always used to go out in the sunshine, they'd make the best of it as they were usually at work or staying at home together, watching movies or enjoying each other's presence whilst they had the time. Wonwoo sighed.

How different it all was now.

He continued to walk down the streets, passing all the busy shops that lined by the sides. He passed an arrangement of couples who all sat out under the sun, just like how he and Mingyu would have on a day like this. He ignored them, keeping his focus he headed towards a familiar shop where he'd been taking refuge in the apartment above.

In the said apartment lived two of his close friend, they'd only recently moved in together after being together for a good couple of years. On this occasion Wonwoo thought it was the perfect time to join in with them, not that he'd initially planned to barge in on their private life, but he knew this was better than asking them if he could move in with them to his parents house. They'd already caused enough trouble there, another person moving in wouldn't have been a good idea.

He unlocked the door next to the shop, slamming against it to open it before slamming it shut behind him. Wonwoo proceeded to hurry up the narrow flight of stairs, dodging the rubbish that was still scattered from the moving boxes which had long been thrown out. Reaching the end of the stairs he let himself in, knowing in his case the two idiots always left their door unlocked anyway.

"WONWOO!" The wailing of his name as soon as Wonwoo stepped through the apartment always meant trouble. Or something was wrong. Actually if could mean anything as it was the only way Boo Seungkwan communicated with the older. Wonwoo sighed from the noise of Seungkwan's hectic daily life followed him and soon enough Wonwoo was walking round the apartment covering his ears.

"WHATS UP SEUNGKWAN?" He yelled over the noise of the mixer, taps and radio that were all droning in the kitchen. Wonwoo had still been wondering why the hell he'd even agreed to stay in this madhouse, surely he could have crashed on somebody's sofa. But the offer of the spare room was way more tempting that Wonwoo had originally thought.

"I'm cooking tea!" He said delightedly. But there was one thing not right about this situation. He never cooked.

Wonwoo thought to himself, realising Seungkwan was probably only doing it for Vernon's sake. Vernon was Seungkwan's partner, Wonwoo had know him for a long time and he, Mingyu, Vernon and their other friend called Seungcheol all used to go out on evenings together. However as Vernon found Seungkwan, Mingyu and Wonwoo started dating and Seungcheol married his husband Jeonghan, the four drifted apart more than suddenly. But still being able to keep in touch was almost a god send at this moment in time, Wonwoo wouldn't have known what to do if he hadn't had Vernon's kindness handed to him.

And luckily for Vernon, he wasn't a drug dealer. He'd actually found out Mingyu's secret when Wonwoo had turned up at their door, and for the past two weeks he hadn't been able to believe it.

"Where've you been anyway?" Seungkwan inquired as he pottered around the kitchen, throwing all sorts of ingredients into the bowls that were placed randomly on the work surfaces.

"I went for a walk" Wonwoo said dully, his attitude always dropped when he came in but he never knew why. Maybe it was being in a couples house. Maybe it was that.

"I made your bed, but your clean clothes are outside your door. You went out late again today" Seungkwan started saying to Wonwoo. He'd been sleeping in a lot recently, he also wasn't sleeping well. He'd noticed it but he never said anything, he was even surprised Seungkwan hadn't noticed until now. But Seungkwan had known that the older kept himself to himself mainly, he knew Wonwoo was grateful for the spare room and quite frankly didn't want to upset him for mentioning Mingyu or anything that went on. He left it at that and let the older sort it out on his own mainly.

"Thanks Boo, I'll leave you in peace now" Wonwoo half heartedly said before going to his temporary room, picking up the pile of clothes by the door an throwing them on the bed. He locked the door and also threw himself on the bed, he just lay there silently, staring at the ceiling, watching and hoping something would happen. Hundreds of questions moved around his mind. Did he miss Mingyu? Was this why he kept moping around?

He didn't really know the answer, he didn't expect to find the answer.

But deep down inside he had hoped with all his heart that he would find it soon.

Fragile ♡ meanieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora