chapter four

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Please vote and comment. I've added a photo of the actress who I personally imagine Cerise to look like, however, feel free to imagine her as anyone, even yourself! Also, let me know if you think of any certain characters as other famous faces. xx

c h a p t e r f o u r


"Yeah sure, well I'm not staying any longer," Harry mumbled as he turned towards the door, obviously not buying Cherry's nonchalant opinion of the gun.

Normally Cherry would have been thankful for a reason to get away from a man she was supposed to be seducing, but she was worried about Harry telling his father, so before she could even think she shouted,

"Wait! I'm coming too."


Harry didn't question Cherry, he just continued to leave the house with the girl stumbling behind him.

"Could you-stop-walking so fast?" Cherry panted as she tried to keep up with Harry's fast pace.

"I'm trying to get away as fast as possible. Keep up." Harry mumbled back, slowing his pace a little to fall into line with Cherry.

The two of them walked across the lawn until they got to Harry's car, where they both stopped. Finally away from the chaos of the party, the gentle sound of crickets filled the air and the smell of Harry's cologne became more prominent.  Cherry wasn't quite sure what to do next, unfamiliar with being around men who she wasn't sleeping with or friends with.

"Well... it was nice to meet you." Harry smiled down at her as he searched his back pockets to find his keys.

"Yeah, you too." Cherry clasped her hands together behind her back, feeling unusually awkward.

Harry's eyes darted to the door before landing back on Cherry, biting his lip.

He opened the car door, hesitating a bit as if he wanted to say something else. He decided against it though as he closed the door, waving to Cherry as he drove away.

Sighing, Cherry turned to walk back to the door. She was met with Damon standing in the doorway and realized why Harry seemed uncomfortable when saying goodbye.

"Spying on me?" She mumbled as she pushed past Damon. She wasn't sure why, but his presence was getting on her nerves.

"Just making sure you were okay." Damon ignored her attitude and followed her through the house.

"I don't need you to watch over me, Damon. This isn't my first time doing this."

"I know. I just don't want you to get in over your head on this." He grabbed Cherry's arm to stop her from walking away.

Cherry pulled her arm out of his grip, sighing for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.

"Yeah, I know D. So what happened with Markus?" She suddenly remembered.

Damon rolled his eyes. "The stupid bastard shot his sister's boyfriend." Annoyance seeped into his voice.

"Seriously? Wasn't her boyfriend in the Mexico division? Why the fuck would Markus kill him?" Cherry felt irritated at the way Markus acted recklessly, but also because he made Harry leave. She suddenly felt her eyes grow as she realized what she was thinking. Why would she care if Harry left?

"Because Markus is a dumbass. Well, was. I think this was the final straw for your father, Markus' body is probably being dumped as we speak." Damon's voice cut through Cherry's inner turmoil.

The party raged onwards through the night as Cherry and Damon walked around the house, occasionally taking a drink or cracking jokes on the guest's behalf. Before they knew it, the sun began to rise and shine through the windows, and the pair began the task of kicking whoever was left out of the house. Of the hundred people left, at least forty of them were passed out with their mangled bodies strewn all around the no longer pristine mansion.

Cherry grabbed one of the limp arms of a guest and began to drag him over the tiles, ignoring his groans.

"Get. Out. Of. Here" She huffed, stopping half way to throw off her heels to make the task easier. She never had to worry about the cleaning, her father had countless employees to do that. He only asked her to get rid of everyone before the maids arrived, just in case, there was a dead body among the mix of hung over guests.

"Let me help. He's the last I think." Damon came through the hallway, grabbing the man's other arm and helping Cherry to drag him out of the door.

"Get up man. Go home." Damon sighed as the party goer simply got comfortable on the porch he was dragged onto. 


Cherry began to nudge him with her foot, trying to roll him down the stairs, at least to wake him up. When that failed, she rolled her eyes and said, "If you don't get the fuck out I'll get my father to-"

Before she could even finish her threat the man got up, shook himself off and ran across the lawn and down the street.

"Funny how that always works." Cherry grinned at Damon as she stretched her arms up, closing her eyes as the sun hit her face. She smiled as she took a deep breath, in love with the smell of morning and the way the crisp air flew through her fingers. She could feel Damon's eyes on her, which she confirmed when she looked at him.


He shrugged. "Nothing. How did it go with Harry last night."

Cherry felt butterflies fill her stomach at the sound of his name, but didn't flinch under Damon's intense stare.

"It was alright. He got freaked out by Markus though and basically ran out the door. I barely had any time to talk to him." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"So do you think you can do it?" He questioned further.

"Do what?"

"Make him love you."

Cherry frowned. From what she gathered Harry seemed like an innocent guy, nothing like the other men her father had sent her after. He was just a young man, uninvolved in the dangerous life that Cherry grew up in. She hated that she had to drag him into her world, but she knew it had to be done. "Of course I can. When have I ever failed?"

Damon smiled at this, pulling his friend into a bear hug and lifting her body off the ground. Cherry screamed, laughing as she tried to wiggle out.

"Put me down, you big idiot!"

"Say you love me!" He laughed back.

"Never!" She screamed in his ear, kicking her legs back and forth wildly. Managing to get loose she jumped from his arms, pushing him before she fixed her dress.

"You don't have to say it. I know you love me regardless." He boasted, laughing at her grumpy face before walking back into the house. As he turned back his eye caught on something just next to the door frame, and he leaned down to grab it.

He picked up the brown item which now he recognized as a wallet, flipping it over in his hand.

"What's that?" Cherry butted in, grabbing it from his grasp. Damon made no attempt to retrieve it back, watching her investigate the item.

She opened the wallet to find a driver's license, as well as over twenty other cards and various amounts of cash and coins. Her heart fluttered slightly as she looked closer at the name on the license.

Harry Edward Styles.

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