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Tessa and I were still talking about the date at in the kitchen now. She had a cute outfit she wanted me to wear. We heard the door open then Erika squeal. "Honey I'm home!" Jake yells. I text Logan for the time and he said at 8:00 pm. "Okay he said at 8. Its 1 now so we have time." I say looking at Tessa. Jake walking in the kitchen. He looked like a wreck. When he smiled you could tell it was fake. You couldn't see it in his eyes. But when he saw me his eyes lit up but he didn't smile. I understand why though because Erika was right there. I look away back to Tessa. "Jakeeeee get this fan out of here" she says whining to Jake. "Erika honey. I'm Tessa's friend so I'm not leaving" I say standing up. "Whatever." She replies. "I think we should go get ready for my date." I say grabbing Tessa. I look at Jake and he frowns. I smile. We go to Tessa's room. "You know Jake has been a wreck since you left. Erika is wearing him out. She's using him for fame and money." She says rolling her eyes. "Wait really?" I ask looking at her. "Mhm. She told me over text." Tessa says putting foundation on my face. "Send them to me." I say. "Okay." She says shrugging.

--- 7:30 pm---
"Okay you're ready!" Tessa squeals. I smile while looking in her full body mirror. I text Logan that I'm at the Team 10 house when you're ready. I hear a knock on the door 10 minutes later. I run downstairs hugging Tessa and Nick. I go to open the door but Jake beat me. "Where's Nessa." Logan ask. I push Jake out of the way and glare at him. "Right here." I say smiling. We get to the Yeti Logan recently got. He opens the door and helps me in. I smile and thank him. We get to a park with mountains. "Let's go." Logan says smiling. Logan hops out and then opens my door. "Come with me my lady." He says fancy. "Thank you my good sir." I say fancy as well. He chuckles and we start walking but a group of fans find us. They push me away from Logan so I sit on a near by bench waiting for Logan. It takes close to a hour for them to go. So it's 8:45 and we are still at the bottom. We start walking again. "Sorry." He says. "It's fine fans will be fans." I say laughing dryly. He didn't notice. We heard camera clicks and turn around to see the fans again. They follow us to the place. We sit at a picnic blanket on the mountain and I smile at the view. "I love this already." I say hugging Logan. We sit in silence until we hear girls talking. I frown and turn around to see the fans. I frown. Logan and I talk about random stuff. The fans come over to Logan and ask for more pictures. One girl pushes me again and sits next to him. I stand up and go to the table that was up there too. I sit there on my phone scrolling through Instagram. It's 10:15 and the fans are still talking to Logan. I text Tessa.

T-Tessa N-Nessa
N-Date gone wrong
T-what happened?!
N-fans ruined it 😕😡
T-ugh wth
N-they pushed me away from Logan twice. The same fans!!
I hear them talking and one fan says "Why do you like her?Shes so ugly."

N-one fan said in ugly
T-go to the car and tell Logan so he knows you're mad
N-will do

I stand up. "I'll be at the car. Come down when your ready." I say heading down the mountain. "Nessa w-" Is all I heard because I got to far down the mountain

T-what did he do?
N-tried talking but I didn't hear the rest because I walked to far down.
T-he knows you're mad good.
N-I'll ttyl I'm gonna go take a nap in the Yeti
T-Haha okay 😂👌🏻 bye babes

I open the car door and look at the time, 10:34. I lay down in the seat and close my eyes.

I wake up the car door close. I see Logan in the drivers seat. I sit up. We are still at the mountain. I check the time. He stayed there for another hour. "I'm sorry." Logan says. "It's fine." I shrug. "No not really we were supposed to go on a date and all I didn't was get talked to by fans." He says starting to drive. "Logan." I say he looks at me while we are at a red light. "It's okay." I say looking into his eyes.

(850 words)

HERE WE ARE. That was the date. "Date". What else should I write? What do you all want to read.

Jake Paul and MeWhere stories live. Discover now