FT short stories 3 "Hospital misadventures"

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Nova's POV

I make it to Rin and Rosemary's room and I see something priceless. They are asleep in hospital beds right next to each other. And in their sleep they were holding hands.

I immediately take a photo of this shipping moment and send this to Nashi with the caption "shipping photo of the month".

The rest of the guild caught up to me and being the loud guild we are Rin and Rosemary start to wake up. Not realizing they are still holding hands.


Rosemary's POV

I wake up to see my family around me. My mom is looking at me then to Rin and laughing her ass off. And for whatever reason Reike and Dad are glaring at Rin. This is when I realize that he and I are holding hands. Rin realizes this to and we both let go and blush shades of red that could rival my mom's hair.

A little bit later we explained that the monster beat the crap out of us but Rin managed to kill it. Leaving out him going into rage mode and the walk over here.

For some reason after the talk I don't know why yet Nashi and Nova kicked everyone out of the room including rolling Rin out. And I'm thinking "This can't be good".

Nova turns into a satan soul which is a magic ability I didn't know she had.
And she says "Now tell me what really happened or I will send this photo to Rin"


It was a photo of me drawing his name in one of my notebooks.

"You wouldn't"

Nashi starts poking my stab wound. "OUCH, ok I'll talk"!
Rin's POV

I'm chillin in the hallway talking to Storm. Because for some reason Nova and Nashi wanted to talk to Rose. My Rose (not that we are in a relationship or anything).

When I hear Rosemary scream and my hair turns white. I'm about to go charge in there when Storm stops me by saying "It's only Nashi and Nova, that aren't gonna hurt her. Loverboy"!

I blush like a mad man at this comment but it calms me down enough where my hair turns back to blue. Then I hear Rosemary scream a second time, in pain. I jump out of my hospital bed and run into the room. To find Rosemary being interrogated, with a nervous look on her face.

Nashi turns around once she hears me come in and starts yelling at me "Hey loverboy, get the f**k out of here or I'll roast ya"

I see Rosemary blush as well then I run out of the room because I'm not in the mood to get cooked alive.

And what is the deal with people calling me Loverboy!!???

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