FT short stories 5 "Daya's first mission part 1"

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(Authors note Daya thinking will be marked with * on the beginning of a thought paragraph/narration)

Daya's POV

*Woohoo I finally got mom and dad to let me go on a mission on my own. I don't know why their making me take someone else though. It's not like I'll be gone for more than a week and I'll pick a super easy mission.

*Well I'll just ask my best friend Nick to go with me. We always try to go on missions together any way. I'm sure he'd love to go on my first solo mission with me.

*Although we would have basically Carla 2.0 with us as well. Which is Emily. Happy and Carla's daughter. She has light blue fur and has an identical personality to Carla.

*Emily is flying above me as I try for the millionth time to scare the crap out of Nick. Because that's how we greet each other is by scaring. Granted I haven't scared him once yet but I always try.


*Nick isn't fased at all. He turns around and says "Hi Daya you realize that's never gonna work on me."

I know, but I just wanted to know if you wanted to go on my first solo mission with me?

Nick says "Wait, seriously. Romeo and Wendy are finally letting you go on a mission without them. Of course I would love to go with you, you are my best friend. Have you picked out a mission yet?"


*Nick picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.

Hey put me down

Nick says "Make me!"

Fine I guess I'll get down the hard way

*I start to swing my legs until I get enough momentum to turn to where I'm facing forward. And now I can wrap my legs around Nick's waist and my arms are over his shoulders with my head right next to his.

See this is why you should have put me down. Now you are stuck carrying me.

Nick replies "When did you learn how to do that. And I don't mind carrying you, you weigh like nothing to me."

My mom taught me, she gets picked up by my dad all the time. And she thought it would be useful for me to learn how to do that, seeing as how you pick me up all the time.

Nick says "Ok let's pick a mission."

*We walk over to the board and I'm still being carried on his back. Nick holds up a mission to me saying "How bout this one?"


*It was a simple mission. Which was we just had to keep a package safe during a series of train rides. It would last about 3 days.

*We head over to Mira to get the mission checked out.

Mira says to me "Did Wendy and Romeo finally let you go on a mission without them."

Yes, I'm so excited. Anyways we should be back in a week.

Mira replies "See you guys in a week. Hold on one second though let me get a photo to capture the moment."

*Mira takes the photo and says "Haha suckers this was actually a shipping photo. It's going on the wall of shipping wall of fame "Naya the newest ship to sail."

Nick whispers to me "More like wall of shame. Disregard my mom when she gets in the zone she is stuck there for a while. Anyways everyone in the guild knows that we are just best friends and nothing more."

*We walk of to the train station to start are mission.

Author's note: The end of the chapter. Part 2 will be next. Comment if yalls have any prompts for short stories, for me to right. Or dares.

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