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**I first want to tell you this fanfic isn't mine but i bet you guys enjoy it.**

(Its one of my favorites)


Johanna Skyes is a fun and loving girl. Her parents are very religious and strict with her and her sisters. She's expected to be the serious and caring one since she's the oldest daughter. She is a rule follower, never broke any one of those that her parents have, and believe me, they are a lot. Their parents expect her to make her sisters follow her steps in being a perfect little girl. Johanna is happy with her life and is an angel to everyone. But what happens when a person that can change all of that appears in her life without even being asked?


-Today is a sunny day in London which  rarely happens! My feet stumbled in a small rock while I made my way to pick up Maria in her school. From that I would walk to Adriana and Jessica's school to pick them up. I thanked myself for changing my parents' idea of putting them on the same catholic school I am currently on. If they did study on there... It's hard, I'm not gonna lie, and I have the duty to protect my sisters from the same close childhood I had, I don't want them to be as hated as I am just for being daughter of who I am.

My parents are rather famous you know, my mom and dad are famous and very strict with me and my sisters. I don't blame them for that, I actually thank them for being like that with me and Maria. We could be doing some pretty bad stuff like drinking or smoking or doing drugs, even getting pregnant... But never... Forget I told you I'm a virgin okay? Let's just skip that. Me and Maria are like the closest sister on earth. We know everything, every tiny little detail about each other. I know her like the back of my hand, just like I know my other two sisters... But I had to have a third hand right?! Well, I don't have one so I have to keep on moving with the two I have.

Finally the orange building that was my sister Maria school appeared on my sight. Millions of teenagers were walking in different directions or talking about random stuff in their groups. This is the normal high school stuff, people are divided in groups. There are the junkies, the emos , the nerds, the bad boys, the football team, the chearleaders, the popular... And In the middle of all of that is usually us... Me and my sister. The little ones are too small to understand what groups are, but one day I'll explain to them and make it clear that we usually are left out because people envy us.

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