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As my classes continued through the day, I noticed my teacher, Mrs. Rose, was a bit weird, anxious, nervous, excited. The tone in her voice showed it all. Of course I was too busy, warring about Niall leaving tomorrow, in a plain, to Australia. Can I just say that there are mortal snakes in Australia? He needs to keep himself safe if he wants to come back in one piece. In my head, and because I’m too melodramatic, I was imagining all kinds of stuff happening, that caused me to overdrive, think too much, get tired and get a useless morning of classes. I snorted to s bunch of hairs in my face that were bothering me so I grabbed a hair band and pulled them in a high pony-tail. I patted the pencil in my notebook repeatedly, making a sound echo through the whole class. I put a hand in my cheek to support my head and looked over at the board, copying the notes so I could, at least, remember the subject since I’m not being able to pay any type of attention to the teacher’s words. But I noticed her behavior. She’s weird, and I have no idea why. Someone knocked in the door, and she walked over to open it.

It must have been someone important because she closed the door behind her to talk to whoever it was. Whispering was hearable in the class, people having different opinions about who it was in the other side of the door.

“Shut up, she’s talking!” A boy in my class, to whom I never knew the name, spoke.

Everybody shutted up and the teachers voice echoed from the other side of the door. Mrs. Rose seemed stressed and worried.

“Tell them to wait one minute! I’ll just warn them!” She said

“Pst!” I heard someone calling “Pst!” I frowned and looked around to search for the person calling me.

Danny was looking at me, her blue eyes sparkling. She opened a worried smile when she saw my eyes.

“You look worried today, what’s wrong?” She whispered

“I’ll talk to you outside okay?” She nodded and I smiled weakly

Mr. Rose returned to the class, closing the door silently behind her. The only thing hearable was her heels walking over the white tiles. The whispering ceased in the minute the door opened for the second time. Everybody was anxious to hear what was that all about. Mrs. Rose stopped in front of her secretary and leaned in to grab a paper. She sighed and them looked at us. She even got scared. It not for less, every shade and tone of eye color was present in that classroom, and every single pair of eyes was closely watching her.

“So, kids!” She said, calmly “We have a visitor today! I need you to behave because it’s rather important okay?”

A unison ‘yes’ was heard in the room. Mrs. Rose breathed heavily and walked to the door again to open it. I jumped in my seat when I saw curly dark brown hairs.

“Harry?” I asked, frowning. Everybody looked over at me, but at this point I didn’t care anymore.

Harry walked in, wearing his black tight pants, a white t-shirt and black sneakers. He waved at us and even said a small hi. He scattered the room, looking for something. When he found me, he gave me a huge, full of teeth smile and looked over at the door.

Every single girl in that room was excited. Even me, but not for the same reasons. I was excited because, maybe, I was going to see my boyfriend again, before he left for Australia. My short nails, due to the fact that I bite them, were completely buried in the skin of my wrist, I was biting my lower lip and tightening my legs against each other, expecting to see the only blond member of the band coming next.

The girls were crazy in there, because obvious reasons: They thought Harry was hot! I rolled my eyes with the last comment and focused my eyes in the door. Black hairs emerged, followed by brown eyes and huge eyelashes.

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