-Chapter 39:

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“Where are you?” I heard as soon as I answered the phone

“I’m home!” I answered “Don’t be overprotective, I won’t get caught again!” I said.

Flashbacking to what happened so my boyfriend would get so possessive and overprotective? Well, after I arrived home Friday, and we went to bed, I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go for a walk, or a run, or whatever I felt like doing once I was outside. So, I grabbed my sweatpants and a t-shirt, my sneakers and phone, and got out of the house, leaving Niall a note in case he woke up.

What happened was, when I was in the middle of my midnight run, I got surrounded and swallowed by journalists, asking me questions about Jess medical state and also about me and Niall. Yeah, I guess our romance is the ‘next big scandal’. They put it that way, I didn’t.

I guess, that because of all the ‘she’s not supposed to have sex till she’s married’ prophecy that my mom invented, I am now in the middle of a scandal. One that brings puts Nick in the middle and Jasper too. Along with Brian and Danny. I swear, all the people I care about are having problems and I can’t do anything about it. I can’t help but to feel helpless and pathetic for putting them in this situation.

Danny was involved in three scandals already, three of them not true. Everything Nick doesn’t need is his face all over the news, Jasper won’t even know what hit him, and I believe the last thing Brian need to worry about is having to explain to his sister why he is in the front cover of a magazine.

They even made an article with all the men linked to me. It made me look like a… like a hooker. Ignoring Niall and my dad, they put Nick, Jasper, Brian, the rest of the boys from the band and a bunch of people from my school I didn’t even know. Niall had been worried about it all weekend and I would do anything to take it from his mind.

He doesn’t need to be stressed about something as shallow and petty as what they write about me, but I know he is, so I want him to relax. Plus, tomorrow is Monday, the worst day of the week and I know how he hates to wake up early.

So, I’ve been arranging some things with Danny’s help and I hope it can calm him down. He really needs to. He’s so worried that he can damage my image that he hasn’t look at me straight in two days. If he did, he would notice how… glimmering I am. Danny took me to the hairdresser so we could get our hairs done, and then manicures and pedicures. And then waxing and then a big bowl of ice cream. Needless to say that the last was the best in my consideration.

I wanted to be in my best so after that… well, we went shopping, that’s all I’m gonna unveil right now.

“Wait, what home?” He asked “Why are you at your house?”

“I had to come pick some clothes up, remember?” I asked him and I heard him sighing “Can you pick me up? Danny brought me and I have no way to go back home!”

“I can be there…” He paused “…in thirty minutes?” I smiled

“Okay, I’ll be waiting in the attic okay? Just come in”

“The attic? What are you going to do in the attic?” He asked and I bit my lip. I would have to lie to him, but it was going to be for a good cause

“I have my… hum… personal art studio upstairs!” I bit my lip harder, proud at myself for the li I just invented so quickly. Hey, it was for a good cause, believe me.

“Hum… Okay I think!” He answered, clearly suspicious. I tightened the grip around the phone, the nerves already taking the best of me.

“Come quick! Please?” I pleaded, my nervousness noticeable in my voice.

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