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IF THERE WAS ONE thing Emily Fields learned today, it was that kids were fucking annoying.

This was the only thought that ran through her mind as she watched Hanna's son, James, run around her living space. Why did Hanna have to work on a Saturday, of all days?

And to think, Emily once thought that kids were cute.

"James, honey. Please slow down."

It was taking everything in Emily not to tell the kid how fucking annoying he was to her, and if he didn't slow down, the probability of her cursing at him would increase. Ever since James could walk, he'd been a nuisance to all of his babysitters. Which didn't help Emily at all, since she was here, babysitting him.

"James, please. Sit the hell-"

Before Emily could get the curse out of her mouth, she felt a hand over her mouth, stopping her.

"Whoa, easy there Tiger. You can't teach him to have your sailor mouth when he's only three."

Emily recognized the voice immediately as her girlfriend, Alison Dilaurentis. She looked up at her girlfriend from her position on the couch, immediately getting excited. "Hey! I didn't even hear you come in."

"Yeah, well I did. And apparently at the right time, too."

James, who had been running around just seconds before, stops when he recognizes Alison's voice. "Auntie Ali!"

Alison opened her arms wide for the three-year old boy, and he runs right into them. Emily always knew he liked Alison better than her; she let him watch tv past his bedtime, gave him snacks whenever he asked, and listened to his stories even when they didn't make much sense. Emily never had much patience for kids under 17, because they were always annoying and pretentious as hell.

Alison ruffled James's dirty blonde hair, and his brown eyes filled with delight. "Okay James, how was your day?" Alison asked him, not feigning her interest. Emily sunk back into the couch, knowing that until James left, Ali's attention would probably be on him.

She almost wanted to be angry at Hanna for letting the baby over their apartment so often, but she couldn't do it. Alison and Hanna are best friends, so it only makes it more reasonable for them to babysit whenever she needed.

Emily watched with distaste as James tells a story filled with exaggerations about his day with her. She hears something about him being 'unbelievably bored' before she gets up and heads to the kitchen. She didn't really have a reason to go, other than to get away from the two.

Emily felt herself longing for the times they had in college, the constant bickering that spiced up her life with Alison, constantly messing with her jealous ex (and sometimes exes), and her Flirtation Formula. It had been a while and she no longer needed it, so she didn't exactly remember the steps. All she did remember though, was that she was an asshole.

Emily checked the time on her watch, finding herself surprised to see how close to ten it was. How did she not notice it increasingly getting darker outside? She sighed, pulling her phone off of the charger, leaning against the counter. Since Alison was having the time of her life with James in the other room, she decided to text Hanna. She always came around eight to pick up James. Always.

Hey Hanna, is everything alright? -E

She waited around her phone for a good ten minutes, awaiting a reply. "That's odd," She muttered to herself, knowing that Hanna always answered her phone immediately, despite the protestations of her boss and coworkers. She waited five more minutes, but still no response.

Emily walked back into the living room, sinking back into the couch. "Alison, did you hear from Hanna today?" No answer from the blonde.

Was everyone decidedly ignoring Emily today?

That's when she heard it. Giggling, coming from the hallway leading to her room with Alison and the guest room. Confused, Emily walked in the direction of the laughter, nearly losing her mind when she saw what it was about.

On the floor sat Alison and James, a large box of crayons open next to them. And before Emily could recognize what they were doing to the wall, both Alison and James were finishing up their ''masterpiece'.

"Are you drawing on my wall?"

Emily's voice comes out strained, and Alison tenses.

"Without me?"

Emily sat on the floor next to James, disregarding his scared expression and picking up a dark purple crayon to draw her own art piece. "Don't let me interrupt you."

As Emily went to draw the final whisker on her cat (which she knew she'd regret), her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Pick me up now, please. Leave James at my mom's. I think I'm in trouble. Need to get away, fast. With A, C, S. -H

Oh god. Emily knew that Hanna worked near Caleb, Spencer, and Aria, and that they tended to walk back to Spencer and Aria's apartment together. What kind of trouble could they have gotten into? Emily didn't want to waste anymore time.

Emily hurry. They're coming, and they have guns. -H


Woo. So, It's here! Hope this chapter wasn't tooooo boring, but I promise it'll get better from here.

So, stick around friends!

Also, for some reason I was thinking and the perfect song to describe college Emily is Dirty Laundry by Blackbear. If you haven't heard it, give it a listen because !!!!

Anyway, that's all really.
Much love,


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