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MONA VANDERWAAL cursed to herself under her breath.

"Damn it."

She leaned back into the passenger seat of the car. They had been driving for at least an hour, and they had completely lost sight of the vehicle they were previously chasing.

"Sorry Mona, it really is our mist-"

Mona turned around to give the brunette in the back seat a glare that would silence her. Just in case, she added a, "Of course it was your mistake. Shut up, Maya."

Maya pressed her lips together and looked out the window. She wanted to look anywhere but Mona's eyes.

"How hard is it to...ugh. Never mind."

Mona's voice was hard, as her anger was increasing by the minute.

"You're lucky that they didn't see our faces. But now, I have to clean up your mess."

Mona saw Sara's hands tighten on the steering wheel. Her eyes drifted toward the back seat, and she watched as Maya sank in her seat. The only one with a stone cold expression was Samara.

She was probably the most annoyed of the bunch. She had never wanted to join Mona's group, even back in college.

"We just have to make sure that they won't say a thing. And they don't know it's us, right? I have a plan."


The doorbell at Alison and Emily's apartment rang through the house.

Emily yelled she was coming, placing the cookies she had just made on the counter before going to the door. When she opened it, she hadn't expected the face she saw.

"Mona? What the hell? Why are you here?"

And that was when she noticed it. There was blood all over Mona's arms and clothes, and her hair was partially matted with blood. Emily couldn't tell, but she was sure that Mona's head was bleeding.

"Oh my gosh, did you kill someone or did you get attacked? It's hard to know with you."

Mona wanted to roll her eyes at Emily, but instead, she looked past her into the apartment.

"Can I come in?"

Emily hesitated. Though she had declared that Mona and her were on okay terms, she didn't want her in the house. If she did kill someone, Emily didn't want to go to jail. Emily also didn't really want to help Mona. She had minions or something to do that for her. So why was she here?

As if Mona knew what she was thinking, the brunette muttered, "Everyone's either working or busy. I can't just barge in on people who have actual things to do."

"Um, nice to know you think I don't have anything to do."

Mona shrugged.

"You're very unproductive."

Emily placed her hand on the door, starting to close it. "I think I'm going to go be productive now."

"Wait. I'm sor...I'm sorr...I am so..."

Mona grimaced at the words coming out of her mouth. Emily rolled her eyes, saying, "Sorry. I know. Whatever. Come in before my neighbors see you. They already don't like me and Ali because they say all we do is scream. If only they knew why, am I right?"

Emily moved back so Mona could get in. "That's disgusting."

Emily shrugged at the brunette's comments. "Whatever, Bloody Mary. Just hurry up and get in the tub or whatever."

"Bloody Mary? How original."

Mona's tone could be easily identified as sarcastic, and Emily was starting to regret helping her. "Would you prefer Carrie? Look, Mona, maybe-"

Emily started, but the brunette cut her off by beelining to what she thought looked like the bathroom, and shutting the door. Mona could hear Emily cursing at her from the other side.

Once inside, Mona smirked to herself. Emily was still as dumb as she was in college.

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