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DID HANNA REALLY just say that the people she got in trouble with have guns?

"Alison, we have to go."

The blonde pouted, putting down her pink crayon. "But James and I didn't finish Cotton Candy Land."

James turned to Emily, making the same pouting face. Emily resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the pair. She wants to tell Alison about the texts, but she couldn't until James was out of the house. Emily picked up James, who, despite the time, still was full of energy.

"James, we're going to Mimi's. Ali, grab his bag."

Emily wasted no time making it to the front door and grabbing her keys off of the hook.

They have guns.


"Em, what the hell is going on?"

Alison gripped the dashboard, her eyes darting from her partner to the road in front of them. "You're driving like a drunk."

She watched as Emily almost forgot to turn on her blinker. She still had no idea what made Emily herd her and James into the car earlier, or why they dropped him off.

"So, Hanna texted me."

Alison furrowed her eyebrows, as this was no surprise. Hanna texted everybody. "So?" The blonde couldn't help her uncaring tone.

"She's in trouble. Although, I can't tell if it's with murderers, gangs, or regular criminals. They have guns."

This caused Alison to raise her eyebrows, her face going pale. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. So, I'm tracking her phone. She's with Aria, Caleb, and Spencer." Emily's grip tightened on the wheel at the mention of Aria's name. "What the hell?"

Alison could never recall a time where any of the four looked like they could be involved with any type of criminal activity. It was out of character. So what happened now?

Alison was jerked out of her thoughts when Emily made a sudden stop. She heard the click of the lock and the back door open. Turning, she watched as the four friends squished into the backseat.

They looked like complete trash, if Alison was honest. Caleb had a cut on his left cheek, and what looked like bruises on his collarbone; Aria's shirt was torn, and there was dirt all over her face; Spencer had dirt clumps in her hair and something red that looked like drying blood on her shirt and pants. But Hanna, she looked the absolute worst of the bunch. Her blonde hair looked stained red from all the blood in it, and even from the passenger seat Ali could see how much dirt was caked under her nails. Her top is torn, her knuckles bruised, and on her neck there is a small cut. There's blood on her face too.

"Drive!" Aria looks out the rear window, her face pale. "Into the alleyway, go! Go!"

Emily pressed on the gas, catching Alison by surprise, and takes a sharp left into the alleyway. And that's when Alison hears them.

The gunshots.

Alison doesn't know what to do. She can't tear her eyes away from her friends in the backseat, who say nothing. Even though she can't see her, Alison knows Emily is tense at the wheel. Who wouldn't be? "Oh my gosh, Han. What the hell did you do?"

Hanna shrugged nonchalantly. So, Spencer answered instead. "She wanted to be Mrs. Policewoman, and followed some thugs when the real policeman we saw wouldn't do it. She failed to realize that her ringer was on, and got an email from work. I'm sure you know where this is going."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with the three of you?" Alison gestures to Spencer, Aria, and Caleb. Caleb rolled his eyes, mimicking his wife's voice. "Power in numbers!"

"Besides we were walking to our house anyway. Hanna and Caleb park their car there every morning. We sort of had to follow her."

Another gunshot. But suddenly, Alison doesn't hear them anymore. She opens her window to see if they've lost the group, but is almost hit by a bullet in the process. It hits the car, right on the side view mirror. Alison is pulled back into the car by a seething Emily.

"What are you doing? Are you hoping for instant death?"


"They've only placed silencers on the guns you bumbling idiot. You could have gotten killed!"

Alison rolled her window up, and watched as Emily locked it. Emily makes a sharp turn, still mumbling about Alison.

Alison saw her girlfriend's body go slack as she realized that they had finally lost the gang.

"What the hell just happened?"

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