Blu Spy x Reader (part 2)

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~Sigh. I'm so tired after the Scout x Reader part 4~

It was so scary. You almost lost your friends, boyfriend, and you even lost your brother. It was hard to do your job when Sniper's all you think about. Red Spy was all you could think about. You wanted him gone. Spy came up to you and put his hand on his shoulder. "Trust me. I'm sure he's spirit is helping us in battle." Spy whispers. You nod in agreement as you stared at the sky.

(Some time later)

Soldier kept yelling about surviving. "You don't want to end up like Sniper!" He yelled at one point. You just cried when he did. Spy comforts you.

(In some weird place)

Sniper sits there, waiting. "How long does it take?!" The place was so mystical. "If only (Y/N) could see this." Suddenly, a sign appeared in front of him. It said he had 1 hour left until he would respawn. Sniper sighed but smiled too. He couldn't wait to see Spy and (Y/N).

(Back in our world)

Spy looked at the clock. Training was over. You both head inside and sit on the couch. You were still kinda upset about what Soldier said. But you then heard a noise. Someone was shot. Scout. You turned to see Red Spy with his foot on top of Scout's dead corpse. Red Spy looked at you with a deadly stare. He pointed the gun at you and fired. But you weren't hit. Spy took the hit for you. You called for Medic while Heavy kept chasing Red Spy. After Medic healed Spy, he suggested you run and hide. "It looks like he's mainly going after you and the ones you love." "Which explains why he killed Scout." You replied. You then heard Heavy scream indicating he was killed too. You were about to hide but then you remembered Spy and Scout. "What about them?" You asked. "Scout respawned so I'll take them into my office." Medic answered. "Thanks doc." You replied before running.

(30 mins later)

You were surprised that Red Spy didn't find you in your hiding spot. You were literally hiding under your bed. "Where is he?" You thought to yourself. I mean, you don't want him to find you but how has he not?

(30 mins later)

You saw your door open. It was the Red Spy. You covered your mouth so he couldn't hear you breathing. You room was small so he didn't have a lot of options to look. But, when he was checking your closet, you tried to book it. But, your floor creeked as you were leaving. Red Spy turned to see you. You ran as fast as you could but fell when he shot your leg. His foot stood on you and he was ready to fire. Then, you saw his head chopped right off. Medic? No. When the body fell, you saw your brother, Sniper, standing there with his machete. He got up and hugged him as hard as you could and he did the same. You were crying in his arms. You didn't care if you were bleeding, you were happy to see your brother again.

~Now I know there wasn't a lot of romance with you and Blu Spy but we needed a part 2~ :3

Welcome back, Sniper :)

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