Welcome to Dumbledore's army!

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Hey! We are glad you got inside the room of requirement without being caught by Filch or his stupid cat.

Hey! We are glad you got inside the room of requirement without being caught by Filch or his stupid cat

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We are here to promote your books and make your writing spells more effective than they already are. 😊

So you must be wondering how this club works.

Well, here you go!


You will be sorted out into groups.(Yes, by the sorting hat😉). The sorting ceremony will take place when we have enough members to start the club with.

Weekly Reading assignmens.
By "weekly" we do not mean you will have 7 days to finish the reading assignment. You will have 15 days. This means you will get assignments two times a month.

You will be permanently sorted out into a group of three members. Each week you will be expected to read, vote and comment on three chapters of the book of your fellow member.

So how does that sound?😋

I am guessing you know what BOTW means. Most of us mainly join a club to become somehow lucky and get our book to be read by each member of the club. This way we get more freaking votes in a single week than we can get in months!

Congratulations!💃 Here we make it really easy for you to achieve this little dream. In fact its like getting salary without a job 🙌

Afterall you are in a magical group. 👼

Okay so the way it works is pretty simple. You join this club and we note which number on the list of club members you stand. If you are the first, your book will be the first BOTW. If you are a 50th, your book will be the 50th BOTW.

This way everyone will get a chance to have their book read by all the members of D.A.

So isn't that exactly what you wanted? More views on your stories?

Wait! What the heck! You forgot Hogwarts is a school and education is mandatory?

Yeah! You gotta put your butt down and start using that amazing brain of yours. 🎲

Because every month we will give you a writing promt and you will show how powerful your writing spells are.

Ugh!😯Why that face? You don't need to worry! I promise the writing promts won't conjure a monster of boredom that might eat you alive👹 neither would they be as difficult as climbing a mountain😰. Infact they will be really interesting. Moreover they won't be mandatory.

But those who want their book to be the Book Of The Month, wouldn't miss the opportunity.

Yes, you heard it right! BOTM. I bet there aren't any clubs on wattpad that has such a thing as BOTM. But neither are there any other Dumbledore armies on wattpad. Wink. Wink. 😉😉

So what actually it is? As I said earlier, the writing promts will be given once in a month. Those who participate in it will kind of be in a contest. The winner will have their book up for BOTM which means the book will be read TWICE a month by each single member of the club.

Now there's a little misunderstanding. People often assume that the BOTW is to be read COMPLETELY by every member of the club. No! Members are supposed to read only a certain number of chapters assigned by the admins.

Incase of D.A book club, we will give you 3 chapters to read from the BOTW. Same goes for the BOTM except that you will read 1st three chapters one week, and the other three chapters in the following  week.

That's pretty much how this club works. We will talk about rules and score system in the next chapter.

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