Chapter 12

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Mom, Dad and I clustered around a few candles at the kitchen table. Our solar batteries were low and without the supply plane coming in, we'd run out of generator fuel. 

"We did what we could," Dad said. "But it was Marlow who made the final decision. He thought you'd be happy with Ethan. Marlow told us you left your paper blank..." 

Mom hummed while she chopped mangoes to make chutney. I'd started to help, but she grabbed the knife away when I nicked my pinkie finger. My hands still shook with emotion.

"Happy? Why would he say that? I didn't put down anyone because there is no one!"

"You and Ethan have been friends since you were kids. There were no other boys you've mentioned," Mom said.

"And you agreed?"

Mom shook her head. "Not entirely. I realize how you feel about Ethan. But this is done by Council. We each have a say, but Marlow had the final decision. We argued against Marlow's first choice. Ethan seemed the best compromise." She popped a ripe piece of mango in her mouth.

"Who was his first choice?" I went to the counter and poured myself a glass of water. My stomach burned with worry. "Who did he want to pair me with?"

"Ben," Mom said.

"Ben?" Everyone knew Ben and I had fought each other since we learned how to walk. "Marlow wanted to pair me with Ben with Ethan as a second choice? Marlow hates me."

"No, I wouldn't say that. He insisted Ben was the appropriate match. Ethan was the only other boy he'd consider, and we hoped you'd be at least somewhat happier."

My eyes stung with tears. This whole process seemed so unfair. Why did everyone else get to decide my future except for me?

"What if I don't want to have kids with either of them? What if I refuse to go to Honeymoon Island?"

"No one can force you, Bug," Mom said.

"Why does all this matter so much?"

"Because of what you and Mom found in the scrolls," Dad said. "When the Atlantis Twins are born, they will open the Five Gates. The hope is that one of you bears twins."

"But what about Shianne?" I asked. Mayor Marlow's wife had been gone for years. According to Marlow one day she'd return with a key to unlock all the scroll's secrets. 

Mom and Dad shared a dark look between them. "Marlow hopes she will. But I'm afraid Shianne may have taken a wrong turn somewhere. She might not be able to come back," Mom said. 


"Maybe not. Best not to repeat this to anyone..." her voice trailed off.

"I don't want this. I want none of this!" I shouted. "I want things to stay the way they were. I'm not gonna be bound with Ethan. There has to be something I can do."

Mom sighed. "You could talk to Marlow..." 

"Do you think he might switch me with someone? Or let me stay single?" 

"Sweetheart," Dad warned Mom. "Don't go getting her hopes up, Marlow is..."

"You're right," Mom said to him. "It's best to let this alone, Marei."

"No. I need to at least try! You don't understand...Chloe—" I almost gave away her plan, but a promise was a promise and I kept my mouth shut.

"Fine, if you want to talk to him, but don't expect him to agree," Dad said.

"Yes, I have to. That's what I'll do," I said. I hoped Chloe wouldn't do anything drastic before then. Somehow I would convince him. Although I wasn't sure how. 

"Chloe is upset I'm sure. And it would be a change for you and Ethan...but he's a handsome kid, a smart boy and..."

"Listen Mom, you don't understand. It's like you're talking about my brother. And I can't do that to Chloe. It's not right." I stood up. "I'm going to talk to Marlow now, before I lose my nerve."

"Over the ridge at night? No. It's not safe. Wait until morning. Give yourself at least a good night's sleep to mull it over," Dad said.

The path to Mayor Marlow's was a difficult route. Plus if I caught him half asleep he might be less likely to help. And I'd need to pass the area where I'd seen the mermaid. She'd given no reason for fear...except for her eyes. Filled with anger at my comment.

"Dad—" I tried to tell him about her but my head became wooly and confused. I slumped back into the chair. "Fine, I'll go first thing tomorrow."

Mom smiled. "When you go to Marlow's in the morning, would you mind bringing him a sack of mangoes?"


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