Chapter 14

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When I found Chloe she looked distressed, but not anywhere near to poisoning herself. It was unfair of me, but I felt disappointed. When I told her that Marlow had agreed to the switch, she threw her arms around me crying and kissing me until I had to force her to sit and relax.

"Are you sure?" she shrieked.

No. I thought. "Yes!" I said.


Definitely not. I thought. "Of course!" I said.

And by the next evening it was done, just as Marlow promised. Ben was bound to me and Ethan to Chloe. There was no going back. And so we danced, all the newly bound couples while the whole island watched. Tonight we'd celebrate our Binding. As horrible as things were, I'd decided to smooth things over with Ben. We were both nearly adults, there was no reason not to be amicable. Wrong.

The celebration was something everyone looked forward to even if we'd dreaded The Binding. A celebration to end all celebrations. Well, that wasn't saying much for our island. Many years later, I'd realize that our parties were tame compared to most. But with nothing else for comparison, this one at least on the surface seemed extraordinary. Or it could have been if the circumstance had been different.

The delicate scent of lianas wafted over us. Fairy lights powered by a distant generator illuminated the tarmac where we danced. Marlow had broken out the last of the wine and alcohol for the adults and they stood watching, red-cheeked and high in spirits. 

"I will make your life a living hell," Ben leaned in and whispered in my ear as we circled the floor with the other celebrating couples. "Forget having babies. I'll make you wish you were never born." His lips buzzed against my right earlobe like a bluebottle fly. 

While the other couples celebrated their love, or if not love, hope, or if not even hope, merely clung to each other in mutual desperation, Ben celebrated his hate for me.

A big, yellow, full moon rose over the ocean. Eleanor played guitar. Palm fronds rustled in a tropical breeze. How lovely everything seemed, how strangely perfect. But that only made the entire situation feel worse. 

I became embarrassed to notice my hand tremble on his damp, sweaty shoulder as we whirled around the other couples much too fast. Ben was clumsy and I was too. Not because I didn't enjoy dancing. I actually loved it. But I was too upset to concentrate. I tried to catch Ethan's gaze, but he avoided looking over. And Chloe only had eyes for Ethan.

When the first number finished, everyone clapped. Parents filtered onto the dance floor to join us. But Ben and I slunk off. Ben slumped down on a wooden chair, chin in his hands. My throat and mouth were parched and dry. I left to grab a drink of lemonade. 

When Ben found out I'd agreed to swap his face went pale and his mouth opened and closed like one of his fish caught on a line. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. I'd considered telling him to relax while we danced. That I had a plan. But I didn't dare. It might risk everything. So I kept it to myself.

The lemonade tasted far too sour. My lips puckered, and the juice constricted the back of my throat. Sugar was being rationed. I headed away from the celebration, if you could call it that, I sure couldn't. Walking toward the dock, cicadas sung, and the air hung still and quiet. Not even the slightest breeze came in from the ocean. And the sky was clear and full of stars. I gazed up at the night sky and was trying to spot Gemini when Ben snuck up behind.

"I need to know why," he said, voice tense and low.

I spun around. "Why what?" I said with more spite than I intended. Ben's lip curled and his eyes narrowed.

"We've hated each other since we were little kids. Why did you swap for me when you could have stayed with Ethan?"

"Because Chloe is my best friend, that's why. And her and Ethan belong together."

Ben raised his palms and clapped slowly.

"How noble of you." He dropped his hands into fists. "What a good, damn friend." He took a step closer. Ben and I had scuffled many times in the past. For the first time I wondered if he was capable of true violence. My chest trembled and my breath caught but I stood my ground. 

"I don't feel so good about it either."

"You're stupid, you know that right? Naïve and downright stupid."

"Ben, if you came just to throw insults around..." He moved toward me and gripped my wrists.

"Swap us back."


"Tell Mayor Marlow you made a mistake."

"I can't. You can only switch once!"

"No, I don't believe that. Tell him you were wrong. That he didn't hear you right. Tell him any damn thing!"

"It's too late," I hissed. "And I won't do that to Chloe."

Ben shook his head. "Think about it, Marei. Every morning I'll wake up with a list of ways to make your life miserable. And I'll enjoy doing it."

My lip quivered. "That's not gonna help."

"It'll make me feel better!" he shouted. "You've just messed up my life forever, you know that?"

"I'm not happy either but there's nothing we can do!" I shouted back. "Now. Leave. Me. Alone!" I screamed. All the disappointment and pent up rage that I'd experienced burst out. From deep in my gut. It left my throat raw. 

I became conscious of the silent ocean. The sudden quiet that had fallen over the celebration further up. Marlow walked down with Kassandra.

"What's going on?" he said. "Is someone hurt?"

Ben and I looked at the cracked asphalt beneath our feet. Marlow took Ben aside and Kassandra grabbed my elbow and we walked in the opposite directions down the pier.

"Not a Binding made in heaven, now 'tis it?" she said.

I shook my head, hot tears blinding my eyes. She took my hand, and we walked along by the water's edge. 

"Things will sort themselves out." 

"Not with my luck," I spat. And I ran off into the night. 

"Marei!" Kassandra called. "Get back here." 

But I ignored her. I would get in trouble, but I didn't care. Luck had deserted me despite the pains I took to keep her happy. I had nothing left to lose.


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