Small talk

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Let me go you pile of asses! 

Ell rasped from behind the bars of her prison cell.  She was taken hostage after being found mashed up in a closet trying to hide.aybe she should've gone for the basement but that's far behind them.  The brunette punched at it which didn't work at all,  it only seemed to bruise her knuckles and she flinched lightly at the wound. 

“Y'know you shouldn't keep trying,  you're just gonna injure yourself further.” A man in a suit with a checkered tie and some sort of goggles stepped up folding his arms together. His hair was standing upwards and it didn't look like he used anything to make it into that.  The brit grumbled and moved back to the corner of the cell brooding and mumbling in annoyance. She didn't want any small talk with those dumb weirdoes especially after what she seen them do with edd.  She sighed.

She missed edd.  Being in here alone somehow triggered that feeling in here. 

Tom sighed lightly before moving closer to the cell. 

“Being a little brat isn't helping anyone in here,  just tell us where edd is ell. ” he said. But her female instincts turned on and we'll..... It stumbled into an argument. 

“Ha! Ya right!  I'm not saying a word to you! You and your dumb army!  I've seen what you did to him! Don't you think you should at least give him some space?? ”

“He's a killing machine, I'm not gonna let that barbarian walked among those people in the streets.  He's gonna kill someone if we leave him be! ”

“But who do you think made him that machine in the trust place!  Don't you pity your own friend?!?” she growled throwing her hands in the air in anger.  Silence filled the room and with that,  ell stormed of into her corner again.  What a dick huh?  

The blacked eyed man sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Did she even know about it? 

Maybe... She should. 

He grumbled under his breath and relaxed his stiffene muscles. 

“Edd...... Died a few years back”

The brown haired girls eyes shot wide but he didn't turn around either way. 

“It was.... After the robot incident. We were planning to incriminate him until that bastard showed up......  I wanted to kill him.  Strangle him. Slice his neck.  Break his bones..... Edd never deserved such a painful death anyways.  But although I wanted to,  I didn't and matt.... He helped me calm down in that case so it would be the best for us.  But I still screamed at him,  and cursed.  Told him never to come back. Just... I just didn't have the strength to chase him off. ” he muttered looking down at his side.  He seemed beaten up pretty good.  Maybe he was being true this time. 

Ell made her way over infront of him and sat down her grim expression never leaving her face.  

Tom sighed again. 

“He seemed pretty shaken by it.  Then... He offered me a deal.  Me and matt. To turn everything around. To bring him back to us. I didn't believe a single word but a fool like me....... Well you got nothing to lose.  I was naive and dumb.  I should have seen the changes.  The craving for blood in his eyes. They way he never laughed or joked.  Not the edd I missed.  My feeling for him grew dry and our relationship died.  As well did Matt's for him.  Now we just... Try to fix him. ” he sighed. 

“By torturing him??? ” the Brit blurted out by accident. 

The taller suited male sighed and shook his head. 

“We didn't..... Torture him.  We were trying to fix him. You wouldn'-”

“I had to pull his ass from that horror show and drag his bloody body back to his apartment.  I can't even believe you would do that to him.  Do you think he would still want this?? ” she cried but there were no tears.  It was silent once again. The brunette sighed and dragged herself off to her bed which was just a measly mattress on another mattress and  climbed onto it rolling onto her side so she wouldn't face the soldier behind her. Despite being angry at him,  she managed to grumble a “Good night. ”. It just didn't make any sense.  What he did was unforgivable.  But nobody could blame him anyway. She started to drift off to sleep as she curled herself into a small ball to keep herself warm. 

Tom let out a small sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.  Maybe everything would go better tomorrow. 

(Well now I need to do the lost k itten chapter,  whoops......but it's 4am so Im going to sleep)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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