Chapter 2: Big Boys Don't Cry

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I woke up around 7:00 which was weird because normally I don't get up early, it was Friday which was the day of the tournament, I should go and ask Maria if she would like to go!

"Hey, Maria are you free around 5?"
I asked her "Sure, why?" She answered, "Well there's a tournament today and I was wondering if you wanted to watch us?" And she nodded and said "Sure! I'd love to go!" In her usual happy tone "Great, anyway, i have to go now, see you at 5!" And I left the shelter.

I arrived at school to find none other than Darius, as soon as he saw me he smiled and strolled towards me 'What does he want now?' I thought "Hey Alex!" He said, "What do you want?"  I asked him "Geez, calm down I'm not doing anything!" He protested which was hard to believe, I ignored him and walked towards class to find Spencer sitting at his desk, was he sleeping? 'Hehe time for some fun!' I thought and I grabbed a nearby Dictionary and slammed it on his desk making him scream in surprise "Hahahaha! That was priceless!" I laughed and I saw him frowning, actually it was more like a death stare "Ok I'm sorry" I apologized "Don't do it again!" He warned and I shuffled away towards my seat (Which was in front of him!) 'Oh god is he gonna kick my chair all through the lesson?' I thought and turned around to find him glaring at me 'This is going to be a long day'

The lesson ended and I rushed out of class but for some reason, i couldn't move it was as if somebody was holding me up "Where are you going? Have you forgotten about the tournament?" Spencer said while holding me up by my bag "Put me down, Spence!" I shouted and he let go which made fall onto the floor "Heh, it's always fun to trick you as well" He joked

After 5 more lessons of learning (AAAAA TORTURE!!!!!) We left to go towards the changing rooms.
(Now in the game while your changing you have the option to glance to see Spencer change, we won't be doing that in the book)
Whilst I was changing I could see Spencer staring at me "Why are you staring?" I asked and he just bluntly said: "You never work out, do you?" , 'Ouch, talk about harsh' i thought  "Sometimes" I lied "That's a lie" He said, 'How was he doing that?' I thought to myself and I finished changing and walked out

"Hey Coach," I said and he turned around and smiled "Hey Alex, you excited for the big game?" He asked and I just nodded "Well you'll be going against the other team's No.1," he said and he pointed out a short athletic cat, "Okay," I said and started warming up.

Everybody turned up and the games were about to start when I hear "Woooo! Go get em, Alex!" I turned around to see Maria cheering me on, how nice.

The game was easy and it was 2 games to 1 and I thanked the cat but he just shrugged and walked off, I walked over to Coach and told him the good news "Nice! I knew you could do it!" He cheered and he pats me on the back almost sending me to the floor.

Everybody finished with a clean win of 4 Wins and everybody had high hopes for the next tournament, I walked over to Maria and told her that I needed to go to the toilet.

After going to the toilet, Maria told me that she needed to go somewhere and that I should get a lift from someone. Spencer offered to drop me off so I went with him. After a while of being in the car, he pulls up to the shelter "This is it right?" He asked, my reaction was "H-How did you find out?" I asked and his face turned serious "Maria told me, Why didn't you tell me?" He asked "I didn't want to cause you any trouble" was my vulnerable answer and he just pierced me with his eyes, "I thought you trusted me!" He protested "I DO SPENCE! i-its just that........I haven't told anybody, not even my parents. And i didn't want anybody to know" I was practically in tears by this moment "Hey don't cry" He reassured me, he smiled and said "Big boys don't cry" I smiled and chuckled "Thanks, Spence" I said "Anytime Alex" I got out of the car and walked towards the shelter, I watched as Spencer pulled out and drove off 'Well I'm glad it was him who found out'.

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