New crush

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A/N- Who wants FLUFF??!

"We heard about your book, girl, and it sounds AMAZING!" The ombre girl says.

"I'm Alya, by the way, and this is Marinette." She continues, pointing to the smaller girl.

"Cool. I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you." You smile. Maybe you will have some new friends.

"Hey, do you want to eat lunch with us, (Y/N)?" Alya asks.

"Yeah, my parents own the bakery around the corner!" Marinette adds.

"Sure, I'd love to!" You respond cheerfully, brushing your (H/L) (H/C) out of your eyes.

"Great! Let's go!" Marinette grins. As you start to walk with the girls, you see a lone redhead sitting on a fountain.

"Ah, actually, you go ahead, I'll meet you there." You say, staring at the boy. The girls giggle and nod gently, walking off. You take a deep breath and start to walk towards him.

"Hi. I didn't get to introduce myself earlier. I'm (Y/N)." You say, hoping that you can be friends. He looks up at you through a few strands of his dark red hair.

"Hi, (Y/N). I'm Nathanael." He smiles, then blushes.

"O-of course, y-you probably already knew th-that." He chuckles, clutching his notebook.

"What are you drawing?" You ask, curiosity aroused by the way he is holding it to his chest.

"Oh, um no-nothing... just some sketches.." He mumbles. You grin.

"Well, can I see some? I do need someone to design the cover of my book!" He looks up at you.

"You.. you really think I'd be good enough?" He asks shyly.

"Well, I'll never know if you don't let me see!" You chime. He chuckles and hands you the sketchbook. You smile and start flipping through the pages. As you go through you come to an incredibly realistic sunset, with the sun reflecting on the water. 

"This is definitely good enough!  Here, whats your number?" You ask the red-head.  He blushes but writes something on your arm.   

"Can I look through some more of these?" You smile at him. 

"Uh, I-I.." He trails off as you give him your puppy eyes.  He laughs at you, but makes no move to take his book back.

A few pages later, you come to a drawing of the back of a girl. Her hair isn't colored yet, but she has her hair in pigtails. You immediately recognize the figure as Marinette, your new friend. You don't know why, but you feel your heart break a little when you see this drawing. He must have a crush on Marinette. You realize. You stand up quickly.

"Hey Nathan, I gotta go, but um, yeah, I think you are really good. Those drawings are super realistic! Gotta go, bye!" You wave over your back as you run off. Why did I do that? He must think... Ughh, I don't even know. And why did I feel like I wish he had drawn me instead of Marinette? You sigh, as thoughts rush through your head. You slump against a tree, pull out your laptop, and start working on your story. In the distance you hear the school bell ring. Oh no, the bell! You think. You grab your laptop and run, hoping you won't be too late. You slide into your seat just moments before the last bell rings. You give a sigh of relief, until your stomach growls, reminding you that you forgot to meet Marinette and Alya for lunch. Nathanael chuckles.

"Did you forget your lunch? Here, take my apple. It's not much, but it should tide you over for the rest of the day." He smiles and nods at you to take the apple. You feel a warmth rush through your cheeks as he hands you the apple. You cover it up with a smile, tossing the apple in the air before taking a bite.

"Thanks." You whisper as Ms Mendeliev starts explaining particle physics.

A Miraculous Crush: A Nathanael x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now