Evillustrator Part three

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He stares at you numbly for a second, before his look turns to one of disgust and hate.

"You... you betrayed me.. I thought, for one second, I thought you might ACTUALLY like me back.  But now I know.  You're just like everyone else." He says, straying towards you at first.  

But he turns away to fight Ladybug and Chat Noir.  Chat splits his staff in half and throws them at him.  Nathanael dodges and draws a spinning blade disc that Chat then dodges

Ladybug uses her yoyo to try and grab the pen... the pen that's not in his hand.....the pen that you're holding.  Crud.  

All three of them look towards you.  Ladybug moves towards you, but the Evillustrator is faster.  You start to back up, but all thats left is the river.  Wait.. the river.  

You make a split second decision, and lean backwards into the freezing water, hoping. 

You hear shouts from Ladybug and Chat Noir, and you hear someone dive into the water beside you.  You smile underwater.  Snapping the pen in half, you watch through half-lidded eyes as a dark purple butterfly emerges from the pen.  Watching the bubbles float out of your mouth, your eyes close.


"No.  No, no, no!  It wasn't supposed to happen like this!  She was- I- we- Ladybug!  Did you get the akuma?" The boy cried over (Y/N)'s body that was cold and steady.

"Yes, Nathanael, that's why you aren't an akuma anymore." Ladybug said, kneeling down near her.  

"You were willing to sacrifice yourself so I could be de-akumatized.  Why?" He whispered to her, not seeing her small inhale of breath.

"I can't remember telling you.. Please, wake up so I can tell you." Leaning closer to your cheek, he gave you a gentle peck.  Or at least tried to.

(Y/N) was just coming to when she saw something closing in on her face, and, reacting in the only way she knew how, she punched the mysterious object.  Which turned out to be Nathanael.

"Ahh, ow ow ow.  Wait, (Y/N)?!  Aha, you're ok!" He yelps, tackling you in a bear hug.

"Oh my gosh, did I just punch you in the face?  I'm so so sor-" You start before he cuts you off with a kiss.  You both break away, you blushing and stuttering, him grinning.

"Finally got the courage to do that."  He smirks at you.  Shaking your head, you smile and pull him in for another kiss.

-----------------Time skip to 36 months, aka 3 years later-----------------

"Ugghh, I'm so tired of midterms, and publishing my story." (Y/N) complained to her boyfriend of three years.  Chuckling, he passed her a cup of (F/D), which she gratefully chugged.

"Midterms are almost over, and you've come so far on this book.  Come on, move over and I'll help you study." Smiling at each other, the couple cuddled under the blankets as they finished studying.  

They really were made for each other.

A/N-OMG YAYYYY I FINALLY FINISHED THIS STORY!!!!! Even though I'm like really sick right now, but still!! Now, I just have to focus on my other stories, (plus the other ideas I have in my head) well after school of course.  Anyway, I just want to thank you guys so much for reading this book, it means the world, especially since this was the first book I published on wattpad.

A Miraculous Crush: A Nathanael x reader fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang