Who? How? What?

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A/N-(F/S)= favorite snack

Also this is going to be a relatively long chapter. 

Ms Mendeliev starts writing something on the board, but you're too busy thinking about how you're ever going to write three more chapters in two days. You look up when your new crush nudges you. You are doing a project with Nathanael and Alix. You groan. Just when you thought you had enough on your plate.

Later, you notice, Ms. Mendeliev coming towards the seat you share with Nathanael. You glance towards him, but he's asleep, with his notebook beneath him. Before you can nudge him awake, she slams her hand on the desk, waking poor Nathanael up. You wince. Having had Ms. Mendeliev before, you know that she can be very scary.

"Nathanael!" She barks. He jumps, startled.

"Ye-yes?" He stammers.

"Are these what you call artistic endeavors? This chicken scratch is clearly why you are failing science! Go to the principals office!" Ms. Mendeliev shouts. You wince, the volume of her yell hurting your ears, and also with sympathy for Nathanael. As he walks down between the rows of desks he trips over someone's bag. You watch as his bag goes flying, and his sketchbook lands on the desk of a very rude, very nosy blonde girl. Chloe. You watch, horror struck, as Chloe opens the sketchbook to the page of Marinette. But she flips past it to the next page.

"Oohh, look Sabrina! It's him, as a superhero. And look who he's saving. It's... Ohh I can't tell!" Chloe shouts as Nathanael grabs his book and hurries away, blushing badly. You know its wrong but you can't help but wish that Chloe had seen who Nathanael had drawn. You sigh and lose yourself in a daydream for the rest of the afternoon.

You stay after school at the library to start working on your project.  You find a comfortable chair in a secluded corner and start reading a book on particle physics.  You text Nath asking him to meet you at the library, but he never texts back.

Around 4 o'clock, you hear a noise coming from the main section of the library.  You decide to get up and see what's going on.  When you glance around a bookcase, you start laughing.  Daddy's girl, Chloe Bougeois is being chased by a large hairdryer.  A hairdryer!  There must be an akuma nearby.  Your theory is confirmed when you see Ladybug wrestling the hairdryer.  Well, if there is an akuma, that means you should probably get home.

When you get home, you sigh as you flop onto your chaise. You know you need to start your homework, but you are really not looking forward to your particle physics project.  You decide to eat a snack while calling Alix.  You've finished your (F/S) when you and Alix decide to meet at the library tomorrow.

"Now I just need to call Nathanael and tell him where we're meeting!" You say as you hang up with Alix.  Speaking of which... You haven't heard from him since earlier this afternoon, before he went to the principals office. 

 You are about to call Nath again when you hear a knock on your... window?

Who... how... what?

A Miraculous Crush: A Nathanael x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now