11: Threats

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Jihee's POV:

I was walking with Kai to class, then Taehyung asked to talk to me.
I don't know if I should. I didn't want him to see that I'm not okay and that his girlfriend is the reason.

"Jihee, why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?"
He asked not irritated, but sad.

"Taehyung..." I looked behind us if Jennie or her friends were watching us. "I'm not avoiding you, I was just.. busy. I'm sorry Taehyung, I have to get to class, see you later."

I just left him there, upset and confused.

And the 'worst bestfriend of the year award' goes to... *drumroll*...

....Do Jihee!



"Hey Jihee, are you gonna join us for lunch?" Wendy asked me.
I was about to answer until Hoseok came and joined us.

"Hey, have you guys noticed anything different about Taehyung?" He asked.

We shook our heads and asked why.

"You know how Taehyung is always happy and bubbly, right?"

"Yes?" Wendy said.

"Well... we just had maths together and he didn't do anything. He just sat there and stared out the window. Weird right?"

Wow... did I do that?

"I asked him if he was okay, but he didn't say anything, he just nodded and walked off." Hoseok said with a sad face. He was definitely concerned.

"We should ask him again." Wendy suggested. "Oh, Jihee are you gonna join us for lunch?"

"Sorry, I can't Chen asked me to join them." I said.

"Okay, you know your hanging out with EXO too much... is there a certain reason?" She asked while smirking.

"No." I looked at her with a stern face.

"Okay~" she sang as they walked away together, hand in hand. I rolled my eyes as I continued to take books out of my locker.

Taehyung's POV:

I sat at our usual table for lunch, and stayed silent. Staring down at my food.

"Taehyung, are you okay? You haven't eaten anything at all." Jimin hyung asked. I nodded.

"Taehyung, don't lie. We know there's something wrong." Namjoon hyung said.

I looked up. "It's just something..."

"Jihee?" Jin hyung asked. I gave him that how-did-you-know look.

"Well, it seemed like this started after she befriended the Exo clique." He pointed out.

"Oh, We were just talking to her before we came here." She pointed at Hoseok hyung and herself.

"Anyways, what about Jihee?" Jin hyung asked.

"She's been avoiding me since this morning. I walked to school with her, but when we arrived, she didn't say anything just walked away. Then, I saw her in class and I waved at her, and she just looked away. I even tried asking her why was she avoiding me, but she just said that she was 'busy'."
Everyone was shocked.

I looked over at EXO's table, where Jihee was, and I could see her having so much fun with them.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll talk to you again soon." Jimin hyung said and rubbed my shoulder.

*After School*

I saw Jihee walking to the school gate.
I called her name, but she kept walking.

Geez stubborn much.

I ran up to her but she suddenly stops making me bump into her and falling onto the ground.

"Yah! Taehyung?!"

"Oh Thank God! You're finally talking to me!" I yelled as I pulled her up.

I noticed that many people were staring at us.

"Uhh... Taehyung I have to go." She was about to leave until I grabbed her hand.

"Wait! Jihee-ah, why don't you call me Tae anymore? And why are you avoiding me? I'm your friend, shouldn't you at least tell me why?"

"Look Tae, I'm just having a bad day today, okay?" She looked around at the people watching us. "I have to go.." and she ran off.

Jennie called me from afar, but ignored her and ran after her. But it was too late, she was gone. Like poof, disappeared. And I wasn't bothered to go back to school and find Jennie, so I went home.

Jihee's POV:

"Jihee!" I could hear Taehyung calling my name and ran into a dark alley and hid there.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. What if Jennie or one of her friends saw it!
She probably did, the whole school did! Ugh! She's gonna kill me tomorrow!

Well, its not my fault that her boyfriend sticks to me like glue everyday!

I was about to walk out of the alley, until somebody grabbed my shoulders and yanked me to the ground.
My vision became blurry and I felt pain on the lower half of my body and saw cuts from broken glass on the ground.

"I told you to stay away from him."
And heard a faint voice say along with giggling.

"I'm sorry! But Taehyung chose to talk to me! I've been avoiding him all day!"
I yelled back.

"Oh, looks like we have a feisty one!" One girl said.

"Jihee, that's not fair you already have EXO, why try and steal Taehyung from Jennie?" Another girl said.

"EXO?! They're just my friends!" I yelled hoping that someone would help me.
They started scratching me with their long nails and pulling my hair,and then we heard someone scream..

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I know that voice anywhere.

"Ji...min?..." I asked confused.

"Leave Taehyung." Jennie whispered in my ear.
They all left me on the ground, except Jimin.

"Oh My God! Jihee are you alright! I swear Jennie will pay for this." He said angrily while helping me stand up.

"No, Jimin! Please don't tell anyone this happened. Especially Taehyung."
I begged with my pleading eyes.

"What?! Jihee are you crazy? She just physically assulted you!"

"Please Jimin, don't tell anyone!"



"Why can't I?" He yelled.

"Because Tae and Jennie just got back together and I don't want to be the reason for their break up. You saw how he was like after they broke up the first time!" I said, he sighed.

"Okay FINE! But if this happens again, YOU have to do something about it." I nodded and hugged him.
"Thank you for helping me."

"Any time kiddo!" He said as he messed with my hair.
He helped me stand up and carried me on his back all the way to my house.

"Oh My God! What happened to you?!" My brother gave me a concerning look.

"I just tripped on the way home, nothing important." I sat on the couch as my brother went to get the first aid kit.

So, I guess I have to start tomorrow...


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