16: Confession... ish..

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Jihee's POV:

Yes! Its Saturday! I can finally sleep as long as I want to!
Then my phone rang. I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"WHAT?!" I yelled through the phone.

"Well, good morning to you too!"

"Why have you disturbed my beauty sleep?"

"Get dressed, we're going out for the day!"

"I don't want to!" I whined. "Hello? Youngjae?"

He hung up! I was too tired to rant and fell asleep.
After a while...

"JIHEE!! WAKE UP!!" I heard someone shout in my ear.

I groaned and whacked him with my pillow. And he just laughed.

"Come on! Wendy and Jihoon will be there!"

"I don't want to!" I complained.

"Do Jihee! Get your flat ass out of bed!"

I sighed angrily and decided to get up.
"Fine, then get out!"

"Great! I'll be downstairs!" He said as he left my room. I sighed and rolled out of bed.

"This was not how I wanted to spend my Saturday morning." I thought out loud.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and put on a little bit of makeup. I decided to wear something comfortable and cute.

After I got changed, I went downstairs and saw Youngjae sitting on the bar stools, staring at his phone. I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked him.

"Yes... um, you ready to go?" I grabbed a granola bar and and nodded. We started talking and laughing as we walked out the door and I noticed that his hair was a little messed up, probably because I hit him with my pillow.

"Sorry about this morning." I said while fixing his hair. He grabbed my hand and held it firmly.

"Its fine, knowing you, I had a feeling that was going to happen anyway." He said with a smile.  And we walked to the cafe where we were supposed to meet Jihoon and Wendy, still hand in hand.

Taehyung's POV:

Jimin hyung noticed that Jihee and I haven't talked like actual friends do.

(Jimin)  (Taehyung)

"Kim Taehyung! Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?!"

"Sorry hyung, I really need to get this off my chest."

"Okay, what is it?"

"I... I think I like... Jihee.."


"Hyung? Are you asleep?"

"You like Jihee! Is that why you guys left us at the mall?" I could feel him smirking through the phone.

"No, it was after. Anyways, there was nothing to do there."

"Well, where did you guys go?"

"To that arcade near the beach and that ice cream place around the corner."

"Well, how did you start liking her?"

"I don't know... I guess I just did. It feels weird."

"Ooh! Taehyungie likes Jihee! Hehehe!" I heard him giggling like a child.

"Hyung please stop, its weird."

"What?  You liking Jihee?"

"No, your laugh."

"Aish, fine lets talk about it tomorrow."

"Wait hyung! Please don't tell anyone that I like her."

"Okay, see you at school."


--Flashback end--

So today I decided to talk to her.
I took a quick shower and got changed and walked to Jihee's house.

I was almost there and could be able to see it from afar. Then, I saw the front door open and saw Youngjae with MESSY HAIR. Then Jihee walked out laughing.

I hid behind a tree and watched them.

"Sorry about this morning."

"Its fine, knowing you, I had a feeling that was going to happen anyway."

What happened this morning?

I watched them leave and felt the urge to follow them, but not alone.
I called the one person who I trust the most.


"Hey Jimin hyung! Lets go on a journey!"


My Best Friend [k.th] {DISCONTINUED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora