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Being best friends with Taya Jones is a little like being friends with a grenade, well, a grenade that can converse well and is grumpy in the mornings. She is smaller than you, and louder than you, and can cause more damage than a two year old in a chocolate shop. Also she's sarcastic. Not that I care, I understand sarcasm just fine... Sort of.... That's why Will is such a good butt, he explains sarcasm to me. He's nice, and Taya still likes me, and we talk about ideas and inventions and stories, because that's what friends do. They don't discard people like broken sheep sheers. That's why CoCo was a bad friend.

Taya has a plan to prank CoCo, and Geena and other people, just for fun. We might become pranking legends, so it's good that Mummy had given me a book on tricks for my birthday, saying that maybe a vintage hardback copy of 'Little House in The Big Woods' wouldn't be as fun (Will got me the book anyway though, and Taya bought me 'Little House On The Prairie' from the same set). I fiddled with my rubber charm bracelet and wondered if Laura Ingalls had any advice on tricks, or possibly Dicken, they were two of my favourite fictional friends, and both very mischievous.

Will then pulled a notebook out of his bag, tore the first six pages out, and said we could use it to record our achievements. It was red and white checked, and I immediately knew that he had been reading Anne Frank. Soon I'll get him to read Laura Ingalls Wilder... soon.
Taya grabbed the notebook immediately, and said we could do alternate entries, before rushing off to Ancient Runes. I was going to tell her that we actually had herbology next, but Will stopped me. He thinks it's hilarious watching Taya constantly turn up late to classes; and while it used to unsettle me, I do now see the funny side.

But I do think that Taya is being a bit ridiculous, besides, that flea jinx she used took three tries to get right, she may want to work on that.

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