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Hey there! This was really a late update but yes, it is now posted! This is the second part of my two-year memorable journey. Read and enjoy the way I did!


If we would have any doubts, we were supposed to consult the faculties who would be in the staff room, now enjoying the life after passing out from the IITs. Every teacher was so supportive, so motivated that they would encourage us, guide us through every difficulty that we would face. I really liked every teacher that taught me.

There was a chemistry teacher, young, might be in his mid-twenties, fair skinned, pristine and immaculately dressed with his always disheveled hair. He was the heartthrob of almost every female student in PACE, not that I knew about any woman from the faculties. He was not very handsome or some Greek god, just a decent good-looking man but the way he would teach us, the way he would talk, make things understand or pull any student's leg and many such things made him way more interesting than he really was! The male cousin would always be his target, making the whole class laugh.

In twelfth, our timing was changed to two to six thirty which would mostly be extended to eight. Once, the handsome teacher extended the lecture a lot. He himself didn't eat anything as he kept teaching for hours without any break, and all the time standing. We students were allowed to eat during the lecture, but he didn't even eat a single morsel. After the lecture was finished, he ordered everyone burgers from MacD which was just on the other side of the road, down the lane. Now, who doesn't want a teacher like that?

I also had this friend who was such a philosopher! In between the lectures, he would suddenly pop up some question which would not be related to the chapter at all. But, I would like to talk to him. He was a nice guy. He had this major relationship problem. I was a solver anyway. We have spent hours finding solution to his problems. Once, he told my beautiful friend that she would become a good mother! Wow, that was way away from what we were talking at that time.

There was this other friend of mine who had kept me company during my initial days in PACE. She was a fun-loving and laid back girl but at the same time too smart. She, too, had so many boyfriend problems! But, she was really sweet and was a good friend to me but later due to the changes of classes, we wouldn't meet much but still, we are in contact with each other. 

In fact, she has always helped me. One day, I got this stroke of migraine and my head started throbbing damn badly. I wasn't able to speak or even move and that day, we were in PACE just because we had no classes and to solve some problems. My head pain was becoming worse minute by minute and so she suggested to take me to her home which was just ten minutes away from PACE. There, I rested a little and we had some food ordered. We all are in need of such a friend, at least one who would always be there when you would be in a bad state.

At the start, there was a terror of confiscating the mobile phones if used in the premises which eventually died down. There was a ma'am, one amongst the authorities who would suddenly appear and snatch away the phones. It had happened with me for multiple times from which one time I was reading a chapter on Wattpad and few times talking on the phone.

We had a system of video lectures for half of the topics. Two or three classes were connected and in one of those classes, teacher would actually be present. Each and every student died for getting a live lecture as in other classes most of them didn't pay attention or would have a lot of commotion and chaos. As soon as the door of that classroom would open, everyone would rush in exactly like the water gushes from a small opening with all the force due to heavy pressure. It would be horrible but I would mostly be one of them.

We had a physics teacher who taught us some topics. He was the smartest, the most good-looking human on the planet and the coolest of all. He had done his engineering from IIT-Kharagpur and done some course in MIT, the one in Massachusetts and not the one in Maharashtra. He was God for all of us! And the way he would make things understand was incomparable. He would make even the toughest topic the simplest one but unfortunately his standards were so high that whatever he used to say or teach would go beyond my head, like I wouldn't understand a thing, no matter how easy it would be. But if any other physics teacher would teach me the same topic, I would grasp it in a snap of fingers. But, till date I never understood the difference even if he being the smartest to teach.

After all, it was Physics. You cannot blame me.

I was such a great stalker, I tell you! And not only me but my beautiful friend was, too. We both used to stalk some teachers and in the class discuss how good they looked in the pictures or how badly they were dressed or even sometimes guess their relationship partners. If I had stalked someone and she hadn't, I would send her screenshots or next day tell her to check for herself. We were real crazy in the stalking stuff and continue doing it till today. Her brother would get so irritated seeing us stalking others. The beautiful friend would always stalk some girls from the cousin's phone on Instagram and then I would tease him, referring him to a pervert. It was all fun, trust me.

We would even stalk some students and judge them or criticize them by disliking the type of clothes they wore or wonder how much they wanted to expose. But we would also appreciate how beautiful or sexy someone looked. We were nice people, of course!

There were these helpers who were referred to as Office Boys in PACE. One was a fatso, no offence, and was total bald. Everyone used to call him Doraemon. While the other had chinese eyes but we never called him names. These both would always help everyone and were the friendliest amongst the others.

We had a maths teacher who was an IIT-Bombay pass out which is the best and the acing college in the whole India. Students who get into IIT-B are considered as Gods, like they are the most talented people who are no nerds, trust me! He was one of them. He was so positive, he would always boost up our confidence, encourage us and make us believe that yes, we can do it. If we work hard, if we are focussed and are sincere and honest, no one can stop us. We got this. He was a little hefty but the video lectures uploaded on the site show various looks of that sir, sometimes fit, sometime clean shaved, sometimes with beard, sometimes a little more heftier, and many more. He would explain things very nicely and I genuinely like him. In fact, he also had written a movie scrip which unfortunately was a flop but I'm glad that he at least tried to that level. It's not an easy task, indeed. Also, he was a great cricket fan. We used to check the scores online during the cricket buzz and sir would discuss about the scores or the players, everything. He also was a true gamer. Every time you see him with a phone, he will be playing a game. He had his phone only for that purpose, I guess.

There were so many professors and all were intelligent, smart and fun-loving. I never got bored learning with them. Also there are so many more things that I would like to talk about PACE buy sadly, I got a story on hold. Meet me some day and I will surely share my experiences. I assure you guys will enjoy the way I did.

No matter how much hard I worked or I didn't, no matter what marks I scored, I succeeded or failed, I'm glad that I was a part of PACE. I enjoyed learning there, meeting the people who are my friends today and even those who aren't, meeting those intelligent, smart teachers and knowing everyone, getting an experience with all of them, learning different things from all, it was all the way a sublime experience, totally on the next level.

I won't ever, ever regret PACE. It taught me many things. It taught me to work harder, be honest, be stubborn in whatever you are doing and never lose hope, never give up. What you will sow, shall you reap.


Thanks for reading this. I really hope you must have liked it!! I'm planning to put up a poem next! Stay tuned! :)

My Musings, Your PerusingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz