Chapter 2:

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It had been about an hour on the beach and so far Keke and Katelyn had gone out surfing some Californian waves. Martha was head deep in a book, Shannon and Kaya were checking out all the boys which walked past. Although they had their hearts on someone else, it wasn’t in a girl’s nature to just ignore a boy when he was as attractive as some of these people.

      Out at sea, Katelyn and Keke were sat on their boards talking to each other about random things. They hadn’t caught a wave in over 15 minutes. The water lapped against the edges of their boards and they felt it sooth their nerves as the exams were drawing in fast. “Hey, Keke” Katelyn prodded her in the stomach gently “What?” She asked turning towards her “Wouldn’t it be cool if we met a celebrity that surfs, like right now?” Katelyn imagined aloud. Keke considered this momentarily “It seems really unlikely but yeah it would be pretty awesome” “And then we got to date them!” Katelyn squealed, just thinking about it made Goosebumps appear down Katelyn’s arm. “I’m already dating a famous person” Keke pointed out kindly, Katelyn stuck her tongue out at her “Alright! You don’t have to rub it in!” She laughed, punching Keke on the arm lightly. “I would love to meet Dan though” Keke mumbled, a small smirk pressing at the corners of her mouth. “Phil is so cute but to meet Dan…urggg my life is hell right now” Katelyn rolled her eyes and remarked sarcastically “Yeah it’s totally hard, dating a famous Youtuber who is only THE AmazingPhil and has a million subscribers on YouTube.” Keke then returned the favour of sticking her tongue out and instead of punching Katelyn lightly, she full on thwacked her on the arm and caused her to dramatically fall off her board. Keke went into a fit of laughter and couldn’t control herself. Katelyn emerged from the surface of the water with wet hair and a very angry face which scared keke a little.                

It was only when they had both calmed down a little they saw the cute, yet extremely familiar surfer swimming towards them with his board. Keke hit Katelyn on the arm again but not as hard as last time. Katelyn barely saw the flash of blonde touseled hair and brown chocolate eyes before he spoke “Hey girls”……

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