Chapter 6:

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The chilling autumn breeze blew across the pier and through the girls thin coats. One by one the boys saw this as an opportunity to slip their arms around the girl.

          Riker glanced down at Kaya nervously before slowly tucking her under his arm. She gazed up at him with a smile “Thanks” She told him snuggling closer. “No problem” he returned, the smile on his face was twice as bigger than what Kaya’s was!

          It took Ellington a moment to process what the lads were doing, when he finally got the point Shannon was already tapping her foot impatiently. “Are you cold?” Ell’ whispered to her, his lips gently grazing her ear. Shannon let out a shaky breath and nodded. His arms were around her in seconds and Shan couldn’t contain her inner fangirl!

      Nervously Ross weighed up his options. “Make a move or she hates you forever” His mind hissed to him. Keke, who was stood a little further back in the queue stared at him and could almost see the cogs turning in his mind. Katelyn kept her distance from him, in the hope that the further away she could get would determine her feelings for him. Without his mind telling him too, Ross gently pulled Katelyn closer to his warm torso which was wrapped in a snug winter jacket. At first Katelyn’s mind told her to push him away, but she just couldn’t. Not after everything she had emotionally put herself through. Ross Lynch was a heartbreaker, whether he knew it or not.

     Up at the front Martha didn’t appear to be cold even in the slightest, Rocky was absolutely freezing. She knew that Rocky was extremely cold and decided to lean in so he could cuddle her, Keke laughed at the switch between who was cold and who was feeling cuddly. Rocky smiled and stood there with both arms around her.

          Keke and Rydel turned to each other and realised they had no one to cuddle with. Jokingly Rydel opened her arms as if to go in for a hug and Keke cried humorously “I love you Rydel!” they both giggled hysterically and so did all the others. “I love you too Keke!” Delly announced dramatically. At that moment Riker turned to them over his shoulder and told them “Oscars for both of you!”


One by one the queue grew smaller and it was then Martha’s and Rocky’s turn. Rocky looked like a little kid at Christmas as he got strapped in. Martha however looked every single shade of green. Once they were buckled in Rocky turned to Martha and whispered to her “You’ll be fine” Martha took Rocky’s hand in hers and gave it a tight squeeze. “If I’m not, you and your mac and cheese are dead”

          The catapult fired and from all over the pier all you could hear was Martha’s screams and Rocky’s laughter. Kaya was the next person to turn green.

         Riker and Kaya got strapped in and they both turned to each other and said “We’ll be fine” They scrunched up their eyes tight and crossed their fingers. As they laid their hands on the arm of the chair they touched as soon as the catapult was fired.

        Ross and Katelyn both glanced up at the enormous ride and gulped. However, Ross couldn’t wait any longer. He ran up to the seat and buckled himself in. Katelyn followed behind less enthusiastic and sat there with her eyes scrunched up tight as if she could tense and she wouldn’t be there.

     “Hey” Katelyn opened one eye and saw Ross looking at her worriedly “What?” She asked snippily, he brushed it off. “I know I was a complete and utter idiot last summer but I don’t want you to be upset. And….I still love you. I always will. This past year has been hell and I just want to say how much you mean to me.” Before Katelyn could say anything else the catapult fired and Ross clutched Katelyn’s hand in his. He wasn’t going to let her go this time.

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