Chapter 8

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They all stared at me with blank faces


i turned to see who had spoken out from the sea of confused faces and saw it was, to my surprise, Katelyn. 

"Yeah" i replied slowly as if i needed to spell it out for her

"But Martha has her exams next week, so do you! Kaya and I have studying to carry on with and shannon...she doesnt want to have to say goodbye to Ell' again." Katelyn told me as if it were obvious, i sighed an exasparated breath. This was going to take a while. 

"Its our break for 5 days, surely you want to spend that with your family? Plus Dan and Phil say they need someone in the Radio 1 Live Lounge this week." I hinted that and all of Midnight Neon instantly had a new expression on their faces.

"This could be our chance" Kaya began "It might kick off our whole career.." She finished quietly 

"Go on...You'll be back soon and you might be famous then" Ell' winked at Shan who giggled nervously. "Are you sure?" she asked apprehensively, his reply was a simple nod. 

So that was it. We were going home.


"Have you got EVERYTHING?" Kaya asked Martha for the 50th time that night. It was 3am and no one was functioning properly. "Yes." Martha sighed launching a sock at Kaya half-heartedly. "Ew!" Kaya swatted the sock away quickly, it hit keeley in the face as soon as she looked up from locking her suitcase. "WHAT IS THAT?" Keeley cried hauling the sock at the wall where it slumped lifelessly to the floor. Kaya laughed but martha was too tired to even except the insult. "What time does the taxi get here?" Keeley asked curiously, it was Kaya who had sorted out the transport. "In about 15 minutes, we should probably go meet outside now" Kaya was already pulling her phone out of her pocket and texting Shan the details. 

Martha, Kaya and Keeley all stood outside the door as they waited for Kaya to lock it. Just when Kaya turned back to them all Martha cried "Oh shit! Open it again i forgot my phone charger!" Kaya launched the keys at Martha's face "YOU DO IT!" She screamed as the keys bounced off Martha's nose. It was clear that Kaya was in a perfectly happy mood that morning. 

It was still dark outside but with light creeping at the corners when they made it to the front of their dorm building. "Hey! Where have you been?" Shannon asked when Martha, Keeley and Kaya approched. "Well dipshit here kept us all behind, AGAIN" Kaya groaned rubbing the sleep from her eyes. They could all agree that 3am wasn't the right time to be awake. However by taking that flight they could spend the evening in London and get an extra day. Something that Keeley was happy about.

Once the taxi arrived they all piled in and all leaned against the nearest thing to them. "I hate early morning flights" Katelyn groaned leaning her head against Keeley's shoulder. Keeley shrugged her away quickly and pushed her as far away as she could get. "I hate you" she grumbled kicking Katelyn sharply in the shin. "Oh jesus freaking christ just all shut up" Kaya moaned without opening her closed eyes.


The airport was mostly empty but the arrival of the girls didn't disturb the quiet amosphere. They trailed to the front desk like zombies on a quest for 3am. 

"Good morning girls! Passports please!" The woman said cheerfully

Martha, Kaya, Shannon, Katelyn and Keeley all envied her with a dare she be so cheerful this early in the morning. 


They all slipped their bags into the overhead compartment and took their seats on the plane. Kaya and Keeley sat next to eachother, Shannon and Katelyn together and Martha sat opposite Keeley who was on the end of the row. Midnight Neon and a few other people seemed to be the only people on the plane. So keeley went to sit on a window seat in front of Kaya so she could sprawl out. Katelyn did the same. 

      The plane had been in the air for a short time before Shannon said the thing  that was on everyones mind. "We could have a private jet one day...." We all sighed at the thought "Could you imagine the possiblities that come out of being famous?" Martha dreamed. The thought was a long way away but just about reachable. It was up to them now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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