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(Once again) WolfPrincess30  asks: What are everyone's nicknames for each other?

Frost: YAY!!!

Keith: Who goes first?

Frost: Uhh... age order? Youngest to oldest.

Shiro: Alright, me first!

Keith: Wha- not gonna question it.

Shiro: Emo Bro, Princess, Coran, Gordon Ramsay, Practicly-my-daughter/Hacker and Lance.

Lance: Why don't I have a nickname?!

Shiro: 'Cause I can't think of one.

Pidge: Me next?

Frost: Yea

Pidge: Emo, Princess Kickass, The gorgeous man, Gordon Ramsay, Space Dad and Idiot.

Lance: HEY!

Frost: *laughing like a mad person* LMAO!!! *highfives pidge*

Frost: ME NEXT!!! Emo child, Princess beat-yo-ass-to-da-ground, Coran-coran-the-gorgeous-man, Cinnamon Roll, Sassmaster/Savage, Space Dad and Wiseass/Lancelot


Allura: I believe it is Lance's turn?

Frost: Yea it is

Keith: Oh boy *awaiting Lance's attempt at a savage moment*

Lance: *inhails* Gay-lian/Mullet/Emo prick, The beautiful princess, Not-the-cleaning-lady/Space Uncle, Fellow-meme-child and Space dad.

Frost: Well.

Hunk: Is it my turn?

Pidge: *👍🏻 *

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