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Zia_Flo : If your five year old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would you five year old self do first?

Frost: Oh god... good thing this question isn't for me!

Coran: May the princess and I be included this time?

Frost: *whisper* salty

Coran: ..?

Frost: Anyway, just because I'm lazy and I want to make this more interesting,

Everyone Else: *waiting*

Frost: You guys have to say it in the least amount of words as possible!

Allura, Coran, Pidge and Shiro: *facepalm*

Keith and Lance: *competitive mode - on*

Frost: Alright, Coran first!

Coran: Alright then! Now you see, this is a rather interesting question so-

Pidge: Coran, she said in the LEAST amount of words.

Coran: Oh. I see. Well then I would probably go play in the halls like I used to😁

Frost: ...that's actually really good. Anyway next should be...

Lance: I'm ready.

Frost: Allura!

Lance: 😑

Allura: Beat the shit out of Lance.

Lance: *jumps into Keith's arms*

Keith: *drops him*

Allura: For discipline of course😁

Lance: *half hides behind Frost*

Frost: Alright let's just go to the next one...

Lance: *is waiting*

Frost: Keith!

Lance: MOTHER-

Pidge: Father!

Frost: Brother! *normal voice* I love word association games😁

Keith: ...okay..? Hit Lance.

Lance: KEITH!

Keith: WHAT?!

Lance: ...Why..? ;-;

Frost: *death glare*

Keith: Shit. *runs as fast as he fricking can*

Shiro: Hey! No swearing.

Frost: Pidgion.

Pidge: Computers.

Frost: ...

Pidge: What?

Frost: Anyways, Shiro your turn!

Shiro: ...

Frost: ...uhhh...Shiro..?

Shiro: 😰

Hunk: I thought Keith was the one with the messed up childhood...

Frost: Well, ummm... Lance you want t-

Lance: FINALLY!!!

Frost: *jumps like ten feet away* D U D E.

Lance: Sorry... anyways, probably run around screaming.

Keith: Wtf?!

Lance: *shrugs*

Frost: Okay! Hunk, now it's your turn😁

Hunk: Eat.

Frost: ...that it..?

Hunk: Well... you DID say to use as least words as possible so...

Frost: Okay. Welp, Pidge and Hunk tied!

Shiro: Okay.

Lance: Damnit.

Keith: *grunts then walks off to training room*

Hunk: So do any of you guys want a cookie?


Frost: Because you can never have cookies without milk! EVER.

Kay, bye~!


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