@EmmaWilson (Pt 2)

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@EmmaWilson : What do you guys think of the ship/what people would think of the cutest couple of Shiro X Allura?

Shiro: ...

Allura: ...

Frost: ...

Frost: I got nothing.

Pidge: Well, honestly it's not too bad, but I wouldn't call it the cutest couple...

Hunk: Why's that? To me it makes sense, technically they are around the same age, (And maturity level🤣and they are basically the parents of the group.

Lance: Damn Hunk.

Hunk: What?

Lance: Well it's just, I thought Pidge was supposed to be the smart one.

Keith: *hits Lance on the back of the head* Lance.

Lance: *is rubbing back of his head* geez mullet, it was just a joke...

Coran: I disagree. The princess is MORE than capable of taking care of her self... or at least most of the time, but still.

Pidge: That's true, but Hunk still has a point.

Keith: I honestly don't give a-

Shiro: Keith.

Keith: ...I was gonna say damn.

Frost: Shiro, I'm pretty sure that it's not really much of a deal anymore. Besides, I swear a lot irl, so there's bound to be some swearing.

Allura: What is 'swearing'?

Hunk: That weird earth stuff that Pidge says sometimes.

Allura: I see.


Shiro: PIDGE.

Frost: ...

Lance: Well anyways, I'm pretty sure the lovely reader would like to continue to the next question and chapter now.

Frost: Okie dokie Lokie!

Everyone Else: ...


I was actually kinda torn whilst writing this chapter. I myself am quite the fan of Shallura, however my very close friend is a HUGE supporter of Shidge (Shiro X Pidge). My problem is, I grew up and was raised to be a person who values other people's opinions and likes to be fair. Therefore, I don't have a problem with either, or other people's ships😁


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