chapter 19

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This chapter contains mature content you have been warned.

Around the world

As the world circle around himself somsthing happend a hole apear above metropolis as milions of weird monsters that looked somehow like demons fall from the hole into the ground roaring and tearing everything that in their path apart.

Red alert was sounded across the world as more and more holes that opened in the middle of the sky apear and from them a diffrent kind of monster.

Egypt, isreal, the entire united states holes everywhere and unkown monsters apear tearing everything in sight.

"What the hell?" Damian scream as thousands of monsters spread in marocco tearing everyone.

"I wasn't told about that" damian whisper in shock.

Raven looked around her gotham city swarmed with unkown monsters.. no they are defently demons and ones she didn't even know existing.

"Whats going on?" She asked herself looking around from the top of the highest wayne tower.

A bright light apear as someone with dark armor appeared from the light starring around him.. "dammit elaine this isn't marocco" he said annoyed.

Raven stared at him not knowing who he was.

At some point the man in armor noticed raven she kept starring not willing to drop her gurd.

His armor won't give any emotion he looked like.. well like batman.

After awhile the two stared at each other not blinking.. "raven?" The man asked with a tone that seems to not believe his own words.

Raven stared coldly "and you are?" She asked frowning he knows her name.

He chuckle "sorry i just can't believe its truly you" the man said his hands traveling on his mask. The man press a buttom on the back of his mask and the mask cracked open.

"Its being awhile" the man said.

Raven starred he seems familiar he looked like Bruce wayne but a little more... pretty.

"Did you just called me pretty" the man asked smiling.

Raven looked at him shocked.. how did he...

'Hmm raven we have a link with each other' he said in her mind.

"What in the seven hell's?" Raven said to herself loosing her cool.

"Your right my bad.. the bird of hermes" he said quickly.

"Who are you?" Raven asked the mysterious man.

"Well i'm not in marocco so i might as well tell you" he said sounding annoyed.

He come closer to raven and she flinch back.

The feeling she felt from him made her uneasy to say the least. Even if he seems kind there is soo much rage in him ready to explode in every second.

She took a step back and he took two and reach her.. "sorry didn't mean to scare you but if you mind standing still" he said with a smile.

She glared at him making sure to ready her magic.

He put his finger on her forhead and suddenly she in a field.

"What the hell" raven asked herself in shock.

"Sorry for bringing you here i find it easy to show insted of tell" the man said as suddenly robin apear walking on the field with a person that looked like her.

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